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Tennis NZ » Lulu Sun says victory over Zheng Qinwen was for New Zealand

Tennis NZ » Lulu Sun says victory over Zheng Qinwen was for New Zealand


Lulu Sun says her win over world number 8 Zheng Qinwin was not just a victory for her, but also for New Zealand.

Te Anau-born Sun defeated this year's Australian Open finalist 4-6 6-2 6-4 in the biggest win of her life and was the talk of the town on the first day of Wimbledon.

The 23-year-old Sun moved to New Zealand in March and said afterwards that she hopes her victory will be an inspiration to tennis players in her native country.

“It's a huge win for me, but also for New Zealand,” Sun said.

It shows that with hard work you can achieve anything. But it also gives the younger generation the idea that these New Zealanders can make it on the big stage.”

When Sun played at the ASB Classic in January she was ranked 219 in the world. This victory should put her into the top 100 and she credits her rise to the way she has worked with her coaching team this year.

With my team, we have made progress in the last few months and also in the preparation in different areas, such as my game, my fitness, how I deal with things and how I look at the game, she said.

So I've been slowly improving and gaining more experience over the past few months.

I definitely think that helped. After my studies I was able to focus on tennis full-time.

The 23-year-old Te Anau, who is ranked 123rd in the world, performed well above that level to beat Zheng, who reached the final of the Australian Open this year.

The match was scheduled to be played on court 18, but due to a chain reaction after Aryna Sabalenka withdrew, the match was moved to the larger court 3, which can hold 2,000 spectators.

Sun showed no signs of nerves at playing against a player with Zheng's reputation, or at playing on a court that was larger than she expected.

She seemed comfortable during the rallies against Zheng, but also took opportunities to score points quickly.

In the first set, Sun was broken at 2-2, but broke back immediately. However, she failed to hold her serve in the next game, which was the key moment of the set.

At 1-1 in the second set, Sun was 0-40 behind. A break in this set would have put Sun in big trouble.

But after hitting two aces in a row, she managed to hold serve for the rest of the match.

Sun pushed through with a break point at 2-3 and Zheng hit a short forehand for far too long. When the Chinese player served at 2-5, she fell behind 15-40.

The Kiwi missed her return on the first set point, but on the second, Zheng hit a forehand too far, sending the match into a third set.

Zheng then had to go to the toilet to recover, but Sun was the stronger player in the third set.

Zheng served at 30-40 at 1-2, but Sun's return was just too deep. Despite that, Sun remained confident and won the next game to praise.

Sun had another break point when Zheng served at 2-3, but couldn't control a big second serve and again Zheng had to hold.

However, when serving at 4-5, Zheng struggled with the pressure despite being much more experienced at this level, making a double fault at 0-15 and then again at 0-40, giving Sun the biggest win of her career.




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