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ITTF World Masters Table Tennis Championships Rome 2024 stop in Sperlonga

ITTF World Masters Table Tennis Championships Rome 2024 stop in Sperlonga


Rome, July 1. Almost a week after bursting onto the scene, the ITTF World Masters Table Tennis Championships Rome 2024, presented by Stag Global, stopped in Sperlonga, a tourist resort in Lazio unique for its beauty, for a promotional day organized by the Italian Table Tennis Federation, in collaboration with the Lazio Region and the Municipality of Sperlonga.

On the ice rink (Ex Giardinetti), via Cristoforo Colombo, hundreds of girls and boys, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren were the protagonists of an intergenerational event, taking turns at the tables set up thanks to the support of FITeT Lazio Regional Committee, to play Table Tennis X, supervised by federal coaches. The fun and inclusive version of table tennis, which uses wooden rackets, without rubber covers, and larger and heavier balls than those used in competitions, to facilitate outdoor exercises, really involved everyone. The appointment was also an opportunity to further promote the World Championship that will take place at the Nuova Fiera di Roma from 7 to 14 July.

The event was enriched by the presence of institutional and federal personalities, who had the rackets in their hands and could experience the taste of the challenges at the tables. The Councillor for Sport and Tourism of the Lazio Region, Elena Palazzo, confirmed her attachment to the World Championships: the Region believes very much in major sporting events and the impact they have also from a tourist point of view. We are preparing to live with great emotion this extraordinary moment, which will take place at the Nuova Fiera di Roma and will involve 6,100 athletes from five continents. The Region is not only alongside FITeT for these championships, but also to implement a series of initiatives that can increasingly promote a discipline that is very inclusive and socialising and requires a great commitment from those who practice it competitively. We are in a wonderful setting and we have created here in Sperlonga a connection with Rome, one of the most beautiful postcards of the Lazio Region.

The councillor for Sport Giorgio Vaccaro brought greetings from Sperlonga: For the municipality it is an honour to promote and strengthen table tennis in the run-up to the Masters World Championships in Rome. We are proud to introduce this wonderful sport to the children of our territory and our district.

The director of the World Championships Giuseppe Marino is pleased with the initiative: we are very happy to be in Sperlonga, one of the most beautiful places on the Lazio coast, and to bring our sport here. We are trying to promote this great event in the region. In a few days the World Championships will start and the preparation phases have already begun. As the organizing committee we will do everything we can to welcome in the best possible way the people who come from all over the world, to take part in the biggest event in the history of table tennis and also in the events organized in Italy in all disciplines. We look forward to seeing you at the Nuova Fiera di Roma, to experience together a great sporting spectacle and more.

The FITeT Lazio Regional Committee has been following the run-up to the Masters World Championships from the front row. In our Regional, explains President Andrea Pizzi, this season we have seen an increase in demand for table tennis at all levels, from competitive to pure entertainment. The coincidence of the World Championships has had a very positive overall impact. We have been involved in and supported several promotional events. It is a pleasure to be in Sperlonga, which, in addition to being an enchanting city, is also located in a province that is home to one of the most important tennis schools in Italy. There have been many champions who come from Latina and even a team that has won the scudetto.




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