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More conference rescheduling could be on the horizon

More conference rescheduling could be on the horizon


Today marks the day that California, SMU and Stanford officially join the Atlantic Coast Conference.

Meanwhile, two programs, Clemson and Florida State, have sued the league, while the league itself is also countersuing.

The two issues are intertwined. One of the most frequently cited reasons the ACC ultimately decided to approve the addition of the three new members was because the league would need new members if Clemson and Florida State left. ESPN could force a renegotiation of the ACC contract if the league’s membership fell below a minimum level.

Now that the league has reached its peak of seventeen full members (plus non-footballing member Notre Dame), the question is whether any schools will leave anytime soon.

We may get that answer in a few weeks. The deadline for programs to leave the ACC at the end of the 2024-25 track and field season is mid-August 2024. Last year, the deadline was August 15.

We’re now about six weeks away from that deadline. It’s unlikely we’ll see any resolution to the legal entanglements between the schools and the league, but it’s possible that Clemson or Florida State will decide that early rulings and discovery favor their positions against the ACC.

If the Tigers or Seminoles feel confident they can challenge the Grant of Rights or negotiate a settlement, it is realistic for either school to notify the ACC of their intention to leave.

CBS Sports' Josh Pate hosts The Late Kick Podcast and discusses the potential changes that could happen in the coming weeks.

Pate could not provide specific evidence that change was coming, but he did say he has contacts in the legal community who have insight into the issue, and they have indicated that change could begin sooner rather than later.

Pate has been hinting at such things on X for a few weeks now.

Pate is a well-known name in the college football talk industry, but he’s no insider, and he’s candid about it on his podcast. However, he’s not an X account throwing random stuff at the wall hoping something will stick so they can later claim they were the one predicting the whole time.

Pate is also pretty clear about the most likely move. He mentions Florida State possibly leaving the ACC. He doesn’t specifically mention Clemson. This fits with previous patterns. FSU has historically been more brazen about its desire to leave the ACC. The Seminoles began their lawsuits against the ACC before Clemson.

It's also important to note that just because Pate has sources on the legal side suggesting a move is imminent, plans could change. All it would take is a decision in either school's case against the conference that could change their perception of their positions.

If the surprise move by either school doesn't happen before mid-August, it could be months before we hear more about it.




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