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Utah Hockey Club to debut Oct. 8 against Chicago, same night Panthers raise Stanley Cup banner | News, Sports, Jobs

Utah Hockey Club to debut Oct. 8 against Chicago, same night Panthers raise Stanley Cup banner | News, Sports, Jobs


Steve Marcus, Associated Press

Cole Beaudoin (bottom center) walks to the podium after being selected by the Utah Hockey Club during the first round of the NHL hockey draft on Friday, June 28, 2024 in Las Vegas.

The Utah Hockey Clubplays its first regular season game on October 8 against Connor Bedard and the Chicago Blackhawks. This will be the NHL's debut in Salt Lake City after the teams relocated from Arizona.

That same evening, the Florida Panthers will raise their first Stanley Cup banner to the rooftops in Sunrise, Florida, before taking on the Boston Bruins.

The NHL released the home schedule for all 32 teams on Monday. The full regular season, consisting of 1,312 games, is expected to begin this week.

Utah, which is expected toa permanent namein time for the 2025-26 season, will play in the Delta Center, home of the NBA’s Utah Jazz, an arena that will be renovated to provide more unobstructed viewing for NHL games. Capacity is 16,200 for the inaugural season, with not everyone on the ice right away, but demand is high with 30,000 season ticket deposits.

“We are excited to play the first regular season game in franchise history at home in front of our incredible fans,” said President of Hockey Operations Chris Armstrong. “The eyes of the hockey world will be on Utah when we host the Blackhawks on that historic night, and we look forward to rising to the occasion.”

The second day of the season is rivalry night, with the New York Rangers visiting Pittsburgh; Toronto at Montreal; and Colorado at Vegas. Avalanche-Golden Knights is a matchup between the 2022 and 2023 Cup champions.

Trading time

In the middle of afree agent madnessTeams in the league signed contracts worth nearly $1 billion, while some teams in the Eastern Conference made deals to fill key holes.

The Rangers acquired winger Reilly Smith from the Penguins for a 2027 second-round pick and a conditional 2025 fifth-round pick. Pittsburgh retained 25% of Smith's salary, meaning New York will get him for $3.75 million next season. Smith hasnow traded twicein just over a year since helping Vegas win the Cup.

Washington executed on general manager Brian MacLellan's plan to overhaul its defense by acquiring Jakob Chychrun from Ottawa for Nick Jensen and a 2026 third-round pick.

Jakob is a 26-year-old offensive defenseman with nearly 500 NHL games of experience, MacLellan said. His unique skill set and experience will undoubtedly strengthen our blue line and significantly increase our offensive capabilities.

Season extension

The Nashville Predators, who committed more than $110 million to sign free agents Steven Stamkos, Jonathan Marchessault, Brady Skjei and Scott Wedgewood, will now spend even more money to retain their franchise goalie.

The team and Juuse Saros last weekagreed with the frameworkof an eight-year contract extension that would begin in 2025 and run until 2033, a deal that could be completed and signed at any time.

Toronto also extended its current and future goalie, signing Joseph Woll to a three-year, $11 million contract that runs through 2028. Woll is expected to share the net with Anthony Stolarz, who replaced himSergei Bobrovskyon his career-best regular-season Florida Cup run with a 2.03 goals-against average and .925 save percentage.

Philadelphia has signed energetic winger Garnet Hathaway to a $4.8 million contract extension through 2026-27. Hathaway, who will remove $2.4 million from the salary cap during that deal, has proven to be a good fit since signing with the Flyers as a free agent last year.

“Garnet is a great addition to our team and we are very pleased to extend him for the coming seasons,” said General Manager Danny Briere. “His playing style and professionalism had a great impact on our group last season and he embodies the standard our team wanted to build, both on and off the ice.


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