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Wimbledon 2024 LIVE: Tennis scores, results and latest updates as Andy Murray makes final decision on singles

Wimbledon 2024 LIVE: Tennis scores, results and latest updates as Andy Murray makes final decision on singles


Andy Murray gives health update ahead of Wimbledon decision

Andy Murray will make a last-minute decision on whether to play his final singles match at Wimbledon on the second day of the 2024 Championships

Murray faces Tomas Machac tonight and the two-time champion will make a final decision tomorrow morning. After undergoing surgery on a spinal cyst, the 37-year-old wants one last buzz on Centre Court and some closure before he calls it a day.

Novak Djokovic will also take to the Centre Court that day, after he himself was injured. In the second match of the match he will face Vit Kopriva from the Czech Republic, after the reigning champion Marketa Vondrousova played the opening match on the second day of the tournament.

A total of 12 British players will be in action, including first-time seeds Katie Boulter and Jack Draper, the women's and men's No. 1s. World No. 1 Iga Swiatek will also begin her campaign against former Australian Open champion Sofia Kenin, in a repeat of the 2020 French Open final.

On Monday, Emma Raducanu admitted she had won badly. She defeated the tough luck Renata Zarazua 7-6 6-3 to advance to the second round. In the second round she was joined by Britons Lily Miyazaki and Sonay Kartal, who achieved a personal best by beating 29th-seeded Sorana Cirstea. Follow the latest updates and live scores from Wimbledon below:


Wimbledon favourite Jannik Sinner passes first round test, sets up intriguing clash

There were plenty of positives for the 22-year-old in his Wimbledon campaign last year: he had reached the last four of a major for the first time and there was no shame in losing to a king of Centre Court, especially with a display of great promise despite the straight-set scoreline. But where there was promise last year, there is pressure this year.

And that pressure may have been evident in his first-round draw, a four-set victory over Yannick Hanfmann…

Alex Pattle at WimbledonJuly 2, 2024 09:27


Carlos Alcaraz's first step shows he's ready for tennis immortality at Wimbledon

Any list that features only Rod Laver, Bjorn Borg, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic is one worth standing on and, at just 21, Alcaraz is aiming to join them as the only men to have won the French Open and Wimbledon in the same year. On the evidence of this opening salvo in the first match on Centre Court at Wimbledon 2024, he is primed to complete the Channel Slam.

There may be a narrow interpretation of a straight-sets victory over the world number 262, making his Grand Slam main-draw debut, but the final score of 7-6 7-5 6-2 in two hours and 23 minutes suggests this was no standard first-round triumph. That had almost nothing to do with Alcaraz and everything to do with Lajal.

Centre Court Report:

Luke Baker at WimbledonJuly 2, 2024 09:16


Emma Raducanu summons England spirit at Euro 2024 after ugly return win at Wimbledon

It’s been two years since Emma Raducanu, Britain’s breakthrough athlete of 2021, stepped onto the Wimbledon stage with the weight of an expectant crowd on her shoulders. Back then, she was struck by a side injury and outplayed in the second round. Last year, she spent her SW19 fortnight away from the courts, entertaining guests in the hospitality areas in a role she insisted before the tournament was genuinely painful.

But after 24 months of setbacks and operations, the 21-year-old was back on the pristine grass of the All England Club.

Coupled with a match against 22nd-seeded Ekaterina Alexandrova, her second match on Centre Court promised to be a real litmus test of where her game is at. But a late withdrawal from the Russian due to illness left the wildcard with a lucky loser in the form of Mexican Renata Zarazua.

On paper, it seemed like a gift from the tennis gods as she envisioned a smooth progression into the second round.

But the reality was quite the opposite: it was no easy feat.

Centre Court Report:

Kieran Jackson at WimbledonJuly 2, 2024 09:02


Wimbledon 2024: Playing order, day two All other courts

And this is the scheduled order of play for all other courts on day two of Wimbledon:

Lucas BakkerJuly 2, 2024 08:45


Wimbledon 2024: Playing order, day two, court no. 2

Wimbledon Intended Playing Order – Tuesday 2 July

Ashlyn Krueger (USA) vs. Jessica Pegula (USA) [5]

Andrei Rublev [6] vs Francisco Comesana (ARG)

Jack Draper (GBR) [28] against Elias Ymer (SWE)

Our Jabeur (TUN) [10] vs Moyuka Uchijima (JPN)

(PA wire)

Lucas BakkerJuly 2, 2024 08:36


Wimbledon 2024: Playing order, day two, court no. 1

Wimbledon Intended Playing Order – Tuesday 2 July

Elena Rybakina (KAZ) [4] against Elena-Gabriela Roese (ROU)

Roberto Carballes Baena (ESP) vs Alexander Zverev (GER) [4]

Iga Swiatek (POL) [1] against Sofia Kenin (USA)

(PA wire)

Lucas BakkerJuly 2, 2024 08:31


Wimbledon 2024: Playing order, day two Centre Court

Wimbledon Intended Playing Order – Tuesday 2 July

Jessica Bouzas Maneiro (ESP) vs Marketa Vondrousova (CZE) [6]

Vit Kopriva (CZE) vs. Novak Djokovic (SRB) [2]

Andy Murray (GBR) vs Tomas Machac (Czech Republic)

See below for the full order of matches on day two

Lucas BakkerJuly 2, 2024 08:21


Andy Murray Announces Wimbledon Finals Decision

A reminder that Andy Murray will make a decision this morning about his participation in what should be his final Wimbledon.

The 37-year-old Scot was supposed to make a decision last night, as he is still struggling with an injury, but he will decide today.

The two-time champion will face Tomas Machac in the final Centre Court match of the day, giving Murray as much time as possible to decide/prepare.

(PA wire)

Lucas BakkerJuly 2, 2024 08:17




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