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Hopkins Places Six on CSC Academic All-District Men's At-Large Team

Hopkins Places Six on CSC Academic All-District Men's At-Large Team
Hopkins Places Six on CSC Academic All-District Men's At-Large Team


BALTIMORE, MD Johns Hopkins has named six athletes to the 2024 College Sports Communicators (CSC) (formerly CoSIDA) Academic All-District Men's At-Large Team, the organization announced. Two of Johns Hopkins' honorees earned spots on the Division I All-District Team, while four were named to the Division III Team.

The six individuals selected by Johns Hopkins are: Patrick Deanen (Lacrosse / Division I), Jorge Gana (Fencing / Division III), Brendan Grimes (Men's Lacrosse / Division I), Jake Hoffmann (Wrestling / Division III), Willem Hu (Fencing / Division III) and Alan Zheng (Fencing / Division III).

The CSC Men's Academic All-District At-Large Team is comprised of student-athletes from the disciplines of fencing, golf, gymnastics, ice hockey, lacrosse, rifle shooting, skiing, volleyball, water polo, and wrestling.

To be eligible for CSC Academic All-District honors, a student-athlete must have at least a 3.50 cumulative GPA, be a sophomore or above, and be a starter or significant reserve. A committee of CSC members reviews all nominations and a select number of individuals from the Academic All-District Team are advanced and placed on the Academic All-America ballot. The 2024 CSC Men's Large Academic All-America Team will be announced on July 17.

Johns Hopkins' 2024 Academic All-District Selections
Men's At-Large Team

Patrick Deanen (Zr. LSM)
Sport: Lacrosse
Important: Mechanical engineering
GPA: 3.65
JHU's best midfielder played in all 16 games in 2024
He has posted one assist, 21 ground balls and 16 caused turnovers this season and has played in 32 games in his career with four goals, two assists, 35 GBs and 23 CTs.
Led a JHU defense that finished 7th in the nation in scoring defense this season (9.63)
Three-time academic All-Big Ten
2024 Big Ten Distinguished Scholar (3.7+ GPA for the year)

Jorge Gana (So ​​sword)
Sport: Fence
Important: Neuroscience
GPA: 3.79
Ranks 11ein Johns Hopkins history in career Epee victories (180)
Led Epee team with 85 wins in 2023-24
2024 USFCA Division III Epee Athlete of the Year
Two-time USFCA All-American
Posted 23rdat NCAA championships
2024 MACFA Epee Champion

Brendan Grimes (Zr. M)
Sport: Lacrosse
Important: Political Sciences
GPA: 3.53
Played in all 16 games in 2024 and finished with 11 goals and five assists
Appeared in 58 games with 26 starts during his career. Totaled 50 goals and 22 assists for 72 points
Three-time Academic All-Big Ten selection
Helped JHU to an 11-5 record, the Big Ten regular season title and a trip to the NCAA quarterfinals in 2024

Jake Hoffmann (Sun. 157/165)
Sport: Wrestling
Important: Computer Engineering and Physics (double major)
GPA: 3.89
A 39-12 record achieved during the 2023-24 season. 39 wins and 51 games are JHU season records
Sets JHU record with 13 technical falls in 2023-24 and 27 of 39 wins were bonus point victories
2024 NCAA Qualifying
Third place at the 2024 Centennial Conference Championships and third place at the NCAA Mideast Regional Championships
Finished in the top three in five of the six tournaments in 2023-24
Has a career record of 67-27; 67 wins are the most by a JHU wrestler through sophomore year

Willem Hu (Mr. Sabre)
Sport: Fence
Important: Public Health
GPA: 3.72
Ranks eighth in Johns Hopkins history in career Sabre wins (231)
Led the Sabre team with 83 wins in 2023-24
Two-time USFCA All-American
Three-time USFCA All-Region
2024 MACFA Sabre Champion
Seventh place finish at NCAA Regional Championships

Alan Zheng (Jr. Folie)
Sport: Fence
Important: Computer technology
GPA: 3.95
Ranks sixth in Johns Hopkins history in career Foil wins (261)
Led the Foil team with 90 wins in 2023-24
2024 USFCA Division III Foil Fencer of the Year
Two-time USFCA All-American
Posted 14eat NCAA championships
2023 Third Team CSC Academic All-American

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