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Irma Garcia Named to NCAA Division I Mens Basketball Committee

Irma Garcia Named to NCAA Division I Mens Basketball Committee


INDIANPOLY Manhattan Athletics Executive Director Irma Garcia has been named to the NCAA Division I Mens Basketball Committee, becoming the seventh woman to serve on the group. Her five-year term begins immediately and runs through Aug. 31, 2029.

Garcia has been in her current role for one year. She spent the previous 35 years at St. Francis Brooklyn, first as coach of the women's basketball team from 1988-99, then as associate athletics director from 1999-2007 and then as athletics director from 2007-23. St. Francis Brooklyn is also where Garcia earned her bachelor's degree in 1980, while playing basketball at the school for four years. After graduating, she spent eight years as a physical education teacher and coach of the girls' basketball team at St. Joseph by-the-Sea High School on Staten Island. She later earned a master's degree from Brooklyn College.

Garcia was the Northeast Conference women's basketball Coach of the Year in 1998, won the FCS Administrator of the Year in 2014-15 from the group now called Women Leaders in Sports, and received the Division I-AAA Under Armour Athletic Director of the Year award a year later. The Brooklyn native has also served on the Division I Women's Basketball Oversight Committee and is active with Women Leaders in Sports. Additionally, she has held leadership roles with the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics, the Minority Opportunities Athletic Association, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and the Public Schools Athletic League of New York City.

I am thrilled to be selected as the MAAC representative to the NCAA Division I Mens Basketball Committee, Garcia said. This is without a doubt an opportunity to elevate Manhattan College, our conference, and Division I mens basketball. I look forward to working with my fellow committee members. The best is yet to come!

Garcia is one of five new members of the committee, joining Villanova's Mark Jackson, the West Coast Conference's Stu Jackson, the Western Athletic Conference's Brian Thornton and Oklahoma State's Chad Weiberg. North Carolina's Bubba Cunningham will chair the committee for the 2024-25 season. Other returning members include Alabama's Greg Byrne, Minnesota's Mark Coyle, the Sun Belt Conference's Keith Gill, Temple's Arthur Johnson, Samford's Martin Newton and the Big Sky Conference's Tom Wistrcill.

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