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News – Hockey NSW


The Australian Olympic Committee yesterday announced a 16-strong women's and men's team, featuring 13 players from NSW.

Six debutants were named to the Hockeyroos team, including NSW's own Alice Arnott (Willow Tree), Goalkeeper Jocelyn Bartrum (Albury) and Mercy Young (Grafton). They were named alongside experienced campaigners Grace Stewart (Gerringong) and Mariah Williams (Parkes) who will now participate in their third Olympic Games.

Third generation Australian hockey representative Kaitlin Nobbs (Newington) was the sixth NSW player to be named in the Hockeyroos. Paris is Kaitlin's second Olympic Games, having made her Olympic debut in Tokyo.

Nobbs comes from hockey royalty with her parents, Lee Capes, a gold medal winning Hockeyroos player at the 1988 Games, while Michael Nobbs played at the 1984 Games. Kaitlin's grandmother, June Capes, also represented Australia on the women's hockey team.

Hockeyroos Head Coach Katrina Powell said: “These are our top 16 players who we believe give us the best chance of being successful in Paris.”

Recently crowned champions of the 2023-24 Men's FIH Hockey Pro League The Kookaburras have named seven NSW players for their upcoming campaign in Paris, Tim Brand (Chatswood), Thomas 'Tom' Craig (Lane Cove), Matthew Dawson (Killarney Vale), Blake Govers (Wollongong), Flynn Ogilvie (Wollongong), Lachlan Sharp (Lithgow) and Ky Willott (Newcastle).

In early 2022, Ky Willott moved from Newcastle to Hockey Australia’s High Performance Centre in Perth to pursue his dream of a future in Australian hockey. It proved a successful move, making his debut for the Kookaburras in April 2022 and now set to make his Olympic debut in Paris.

Williott said: “It's been a childhood dream to compete in the Olympic Games and I couldn't have done it without the support of so many friends, family and most importantly my partner.”

For experienced kookaburras Matthew Dawson and Blake Govers it is the third Olympic Games in Paris, and for Tim Brand, Tom Craig, Flynn Ogilvie and Lachlan Sharp from Lithgow it is the second Olympic Games.

Kookaburras Head Coach Colin Batch said: “The Olympics creates a different environment and atmosphere and it's a step up. We have a very experienced squad and we have to recognise the depth in our wider squad as we haven't selected some quality players.”

“We also have experience in the coaching staff, and we will lean on that. We have been through a lot in the last seven or eight years and although it doesn't guarantee anything, our preparation has been good.”

Hockey NSW would like to extend our congratulations to all 13 NSW players who have been selected for their respective Olympic hockey teams. We are very proud of your achievements, which are a testament to many years of hard work and sacrifice. The NSW Hockey community and we are sure the rest of Australia will be cheering you all on!

Click here to view the full team list and announcement.




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