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Daniel Bruhl and All Quiet Star reunite for tennis film Break

Daniel Bruhl and All Quiet Star reunite for tennis film Break


The team behind the Oscar-winning No news from the Western Front joins forces with The night manager producers The Ink Factory on costume drama Pausebased on the life of the 1930s German tennis champion Gottfried von Cramm.

All quiet star Felix Kammerer plays von Cramm, under the direction of Daniel Brühl. Brühl, a co-star and executive producer All quietmade his directorial debut with the German drama Next-door for 2021.

Oscar-nominated screenwriter Hossein Amini (Motivation, The wings of the dove) will write the script and adapt Marshall Jon Fisher's nonfiction book into a film A terrible beauty: three extraordinary men, a world ready for war and the greatest tennis match ever playedThe story is told in German and English.

Von Cramm’s distinguished athletic career—a two-time French Open winner and world No. 1 in 1937—took on the heels of the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich, which saw the dashing young champion as an ideal propaganda tool. Von Cramm’s life was filled with political and personal complexities, including a high-stakes love triangle and a secret that could cost him his life. At the 1937 Davis Cup in Wimbledon, Von Cramm faced American star Don Budge in a (literally) make-or-break match.

“Gottfried’s life offers a thrilling perspective on the history of Europe on the brink of war. But even more than that, it is the story of a deeply personal moral conflict and a dangerous romance. And of the life and death stakes in the greatest tennis match ever,” said Simon and Stephen Cornwell, co-founders and co-CEOs of The Ink Factory.

All quiet producer Malte Grunert and director Edward Berger will produce Pause through their respective companies, Amusement Park and Nine Hours, along with The Ink Factory and Marc Platt and Adam Siegel for Marc Platt Productions (La La Land, cruel) in association with 127 Wall, with Joe Tsai and Arthur Wang serving as executive producers. Fifth Season will handle worldwide sales for the project.

Grunert added: “The story of Gottfried von Cramm is one of personal heroism presented with unassuming elegance. At a time when the freedom and independence we enjoy are once again under threat from rising nationalism and far-right politics, it feels more timely than ever.”




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