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Field Hockey welcomes the new generation of 2024

Field Hockey welcomes the new generation of 2024


WILLIAMSBURG, Va. William & Mary Field Hockey Head Coach Tess Ellis announced the addition of six student-athletes to the reigning CAA Champions roster for the 2024 season. The list includes graduate transfer defenseman Davidson Ellie Taylor(Richmond, Va./St. Catherine's/Davidson) and five incoming freshmen at midfielder/forward Alivia Boat Builder (Fredericksburg, Virginia / Mountain View), goalkeeper Emma Cari (Emmaus, Pa. / Emmaus), midfielder/striker Josette DeGour (Haddonfield, NJ / Bishop Eustace Prep), defender Darcy Kopsinis (North Chesterfield, Va. / Trinity Episcopal), and midfielder/forward Ava Rossman (Beaverdam, Virginia / Patrick Henry).

“I'm looking forward to putting this young group of players together, especially with our new coaching staff,” Ellis said. “After losing eight very experienced players from a championship team, this incoming class of five freshmen and one graduate student will be ready to push our returning group. I'm excited to see how this team comes together and rises to the challenge of another high-caliber schedule this year.”

Here's a look at the Tribe's incoming roster for 2024:

Alivia Boat Builder

Fredericksburg, Virginia / Mountain View


Selected to the district first team three times, including her senior year. Named all-region each of her four high school seasons. An all-region second team pick her freshman and senior years. A four-year starter on the Mountain View varsity team. Despite missing half of her junior season due to injury, she still earned all-district second team and honorable mention all-region honors. Played club hockey for Typhoon (2015-22) and Husel Hockey Club (2022-24). Named Husel Hockey Club Offensive Player of the Year in 2024. Member of the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Black Student Union, Youth Equity, Diversity, and Opportunity Committee, and Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee while in high school. Recipient of the four-year Academic Honor Roll at Mountain View High School (3.8 or higher). Named National Honor Society Student of the Month for September 2023. Was a Distinguished Honor Graduate (4.0 GPA or higher).


Daughter of William and Lisa Foeman Boatwright Father, William, was a four-year starter and team captain for Virginia Tech football (1988-91) and was drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in 1992. Sisters, Alex (2018-22) and Aaryn (2020-24), played field hockey for the University of Lynchburg. Enjoys trying new food, shopping, traveling, reading, going for walks with mom, going to concerts, spending time with family and friends, and playing piano.

Emma Cari

Emmaus, Pa. / Emmaus


Led Emmaus to three AAA State Championships (2020, 2021, 2023) Named AAA State Championship Player of the Game twice (2021, 2023) Named AAA First Team All-State as a senior in 2023 Received the Emmaus High School Female Athlete of the Year award in 2023 Ranks sixth all-time in the U.S. in consecutive shutouts (16) and eighth in career shutouts (59) Led her team to four AAA District Championships (2020, 2021, 2022, 20023) and four league championships (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) A two-time First Team All-Area selection Finished with 229 career saves Recorded 21 shutouts as a sophomore behind 61 saves and a GAA of 0.20 Her 21 shutouts rank sixth all-time in the U.S. Recorded 18 shutouts, a 0.60 GAA, and 80 saves in 2022 As a senior, finished with a 0.40 GAA, 20 shutouts, and 88 saves Her 20 shutouts rank eighth all-time in the U.S. Made seven saves against Manheim Township in a 1-0 win in the 2023 state finals Posted seven saves against Lower Dauphin in the 2021 state finals, another 1-0 win Recorded a career-high 12 saves in a win over Downingtown West in 2023 Named to the Principal's Honor Roll A member of the National Honor Society, National Latin Honor Society, Student-Athlete Leadership Team, and Pediatric Cancer Club in high school Played club field hockey for Firestyx from 2014-24 Club was the National Hockey Festival Champions of 2021 and 2022, three-time NIF Champions (2022-24), Phriday Night Lights Champion and 2022 Keystone Games silver medalist, and 2021 NIT Champion and Keystone Games bronze medalist. Named a Festival All-Star in 2022.


Daughter of John and Colleen Cari Loves shopping and going out with friends and my two pugs, Frank and Mike.

Josette DeGour

Haddonfield, NJ / Bishop Eustace Prep


Named to New Jersey State All Non-Public First Team and All-South Jersey First Team in 2023 Four-year varsity starter and two-time captain at Bishop Eustace Prep Selected to MAX Field Hockey All-New Jersey Region Second Team as a senior Two-time All-Olympic Conference First Team selection (2022 and 2023) and second team selection in 2021 Selected to NFHCA High School National Academic Squad as a Scholar of Distinction in 2023 Named to New Jersey State All Non-Public Third Team in 2022 Selected to Top 100 NJ Field Hockey Players list in Class of 2021, 2022, and 2023 Received the Bishop Eustace Field Hockey Leadership Award in 2022 Named to the Catholic Herald September 2023 Athlete of the Month Scored 100 career points in high school Scored 30 career goals and 40 assists Totaled 38 points on 12 goals and 14 assists as a senior, recording 30 points on 10 goals and 10 assists As a sophomore, recorded 30 points on seven goals and 16 assists Received the South Jersey Coaches Association Scholar-Athlete Award in 2023-24 Four-year starter on the lacrosse team at Bishop Eustace Prep Exceeded 100 career points and 100 ground balls Earned All-Olympic Conference First Team in 2023 and Second Team honors in both 2022 and 2024 Was the Female Olympic Conference Scholar-Athlete Award recipient in 2023-24 Received the Lacrosse Coaches Award and the 2022 Lacrosse Utility Player Award In club field hockey, USA Spirit helped to four appearances at NCCs, three RCC championships, two Sunshine Showcase championships, and one JPOL championship between 2019-23 Scored the game-winning goal in the 2019 JPOL game as time expired to advance Spirit of USA to the playoffs and the eventual championship Scored two goals against the Wizards to advance Spirit of USA to the semifinals at the 2023 NCCs Was the top student at Bishop Eustace Preparatory School with a cumulative GPA of 4.81 Received the highest honor given at the institution with the Bishop Eustace's St. Vincent Pallotti Award Member of the National Honor Society and Honor Societies for Latin, Science, Religious Studies, History, and English Served as student body vice president in 2023-24 Served as class senator as a sophomore and junior and class representative as a freshman Received the Bishop Eustace Leadership Award Earned the Camden County Best of Class Community Service Award and the Campbells Scholarship in 2024 Named to the Distinguished Honor Roll in all four years of high school Won the College Board AP Scholar Award in 2023 Served as President of the Tri-M Music Honor Society from 2022-2024 Received the University of Rochester Bausch+ Lomb Honorary Science Scholarship in 2023 In 2024, he served as the Bishop Eustace Preparatory School Pallottine Ministry Leader, Head of the Culture of Life Club, and Kairos LIi Principal. Served as an assistant coach for Cherry Hill Youth Field Hockey for three years.


Daughter of James III and Mary DeGour Father, James III, played soccer and ran track at the United States Merchant Marine Academy (1993-97). Enjoys reading, competitive sports, and spending time with her family.

Darcy Kopsinis

North Chesterfield, Va. / Trinity Episcopal


Twice selected All-State (2022, 2023) Named All-LIS and All-Metro in both 2022 and 2023 Twice selected NFHCA All Academic and a Scholar of Distinction in 2022 and 2023 Was team captain at Trinity Episcopal in 2023 Led her high school to three LIS regular season championships (2021, 2022, 2023) Team was the VISAA State Runner-Up in 2021 Collected four assists and two defensive saves in 2022 Recorded three goals, two assists, and three defensive saves in 2023 Competed at Nexus Nationals four times (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) Was an AAU Junior Olympian in 2021 Named to the USA FH Junior National Selection Camp in 2021 Selected as one of the MAX FH Top 100 Players in the Class of 2024 Played lacrosse for three years at Trinity Episcopal Served as a board member for both FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and SALT (Student Athlete Leadership Team) Served as a class representative for four years Served as a guide on Trinity Episcopal's admissions committee Named to the Head of School list and achieved a Top 10 GPA for the Class of 2024 in all four years of high school Was a candidate for the Full IB Diploma Received the Hollins University Book Award and the French Subject Award Named the 2024 Female Athlete of the Year.


Daughter of Nicholas and Laura Kopsinis Loves photography, reading, traveling, concerts and playing with her dogs.

Ava Rossman

Beaverdam, Virginia / Patrick Henry


Selected to the All-State team three times (2021, 2022, 2023) Selected to the NFHCA Impact Senior Team in 2023 Finished her high school career with 181 points on 74 goals and 33 assists with 17 game-winning goals Selected to the All-Metro and All-Region teams three times (2021, 2022, 2023) Named to The Field Hockey Analyst Top Performers (VA) in 2023 Honored by the NFHCA as a Player to Watch in 2023 Selected as an honorable mention for the NFHCA Player of the Month in August 2023 Honored as an NFHCA Scholar of Distinction in 2022 Posted 78 points on 32 goals and 14 assists as a senior Scored 26 goals and added seven assists (59 points) as a junior Scored 40 points on 15 goals and 10 assists as a sophomore Played 10 years for Focus Field Hockey, helping the program to an NCC appearance Served as the student council secretary at Patrick Henry Named a Hanover Scholar Received the Principals Scholarship Medal.


Daughter of Adam and Abigail Rossman Mother, Abigail, played hockey at American University Her sister, Aidan, played one season with the Tribe hockey program while studying law at W&M (2022) after graduating and four years at American Brother, Eoin, plays baseball at Slippery Rock Enjoys reading, baking, and math.

Ellie Taylor

Richmond, Virginia/St. Catherine's/Davidson

At Davidson (2020-24)

Four-year NFHCA All-Academic Team member Selected to the A-10 Commissioner's Academic Honor Roll for four years Played in 30 games with 10 starts All 10 of her starts in 2021 came along the defensive back line.


Named First Team All-State in 2019 after earning Second Team honors in 2018. Received All-Metro honors in both 2018 and 2019. Winner of the IMPACT Award at St. Catherine's in 2020. Was captain of the 2019 state runner-up team. Four-year member of the varsity lacrosse team. A starter who helped the team win back-to-back LIS championships in 2018 and 2019. Selected to the NFHCA High School National Academic Squad in both 2018 and 2019. Played club field hockey for the Saints Hockey Rocks from 2011-2020.


Daughter of Lake and Sallie Taylor. Received a bachelor's degree in art history from Davidson. Her mother, Sallie, played field hockey and lacrosse at Lafayette … Older sister, Nancy, played lacrosse at Franklin & Marshall. Enjoys going to the beach, spending time with friends and family, and hanging out with her two dogs, Rosie and Belle.




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