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T&G Hometeam High School Girls Tennis Super Team for Spring 2024

T&G Hometeam High School Girls Tennis Super Team for Spring 2024


The Central Mass. High School Sports Awards is proud to announce the nominees for Girls Tennis Player of the Year. The winners were announced during the live show held on June 26th at the Hanover Theatre.

The Central Mass. High School Sports Awards show is part of the USA TODAY High School Sports Awards, the largest recognition program for high school sports in the country.

Pia Obrador, the tennis player from Hopedale.

Player of the year

Pia Obrador

Hopedale, sophomore, singles

Hopedale's Pia Obrador was named Girls' Tennis Player of the Year Wednesday as part of the Central Mass. High School Sports Awards at the Hanover Theatre in Worcester.

Obrador earned her third consecutive T&G Super Team honor after leading the Blue Raiders to the semifinals of the Division 4 state tournament. After going undefeated in her singles matches last year, Obrador has lost just once this regular season. She has been Hopedale’s No. 1 singles player since seventh grade and is a four-time Dual Valley Conference all-star. She was the DVC Player of the Year and her team MVP for the second straight season. She is the daughter of Kira and Carlos Obrador of Hopedale.

Isabelle Frances Aberle, the Quaboag girls' tennis player.

Isabelle Frances Aberle

Quaboag, Singles, Juniors

Aberle earned her second consecutive T&G Super Team honor after going 12-0 in first singles during the regular season and leading the Cougars to the Division 4 state tournament round of 16. This season, Aberle did not lose a set until the Quaboags tournament loss to Bromfield. Aberle is a two-year co-captain and four-time SWCL first-team all-star. She qualified for the MIAA individual tennis tournament. Winning the SWCL singles title was her most memorable moment of the season. She is the daughter of Jill and Ken Aberle of West Warren.

Westborough girls tennis player Diya Bhattacharya.

Diya Bhattacharya

Westborough, Junior, Singles

Bhattacharya earned her second consecutive T&G Super Team honor. She went 12-5 at second singles and helped the Rangers reach the semifinals of the Division 2 state tournament. Bhattacharya was a team captain. An early-season three-set match, which Bhattacharya lost in a tiebreaker and ended at sunset, was her most memorable moment of the season. She is the daughter of Palaka and Ajoy Bhattacharya.

Elena Chen, the tennis player from Westborough.

Elena Chen

Westborough, Junior, Doubles

Chen went 17-1 in her first doubles matches and helped the Rangers reach the semifinals of the Division 2 state tournament. Defeating Wayland 5-0 in the quarterfinals and advancing to the Final Four were Chen's most memorable moments of the season. Her three-year doubles record is 51-6. She is the daughter of Doris Wong and Jack Chen of Westborough.

Alaina Garcia, Leominster girls' tennis player.

Alaina Garcia

Leominster, Senior, Singles

Garcia helped the Blue Devils qualify for the Division 2 state tournament for the third straight year. She went 9-0 in first singles matches against Mid-Wach B opponents and 13-6 overall. Garcia was the league MVP, a team captain and Leominster co-MVP. Her most memorable moment of the season was reaching a third set in five matches and winning them all. In the fall, she will attend Bentley University, where she will study finance. She is the daughter of Lindsay Lanney and Chris Garcia of Leominster.

Shrewsbury girls' tennis player Aanya Gupta.

Aanya Gupta

Shrewsbury, Senior, Singles

Gupta earned her second T&G Super Team selection after leading the Colonials to the Central Mass. Class A championship and an appearance in the Division 1 state tournament. In the CMass Class A finals against Algonquin Regional, Gupta won her first singles match 6-2, 6-1, and Shrewsbury pulled out a 3-2 victory. Capturing the title was Gupta’s most memorable moment of the season. Shrewsbury went 12-7. Gupta was also a T&G Super Team honoree in 2022. She will attend Northeastern University in the fall. She plans to become a doctor. She is the daughter of Geetika and Anil Gupta of Shrewsbury.

Westborough girls tennis player Gina Hajiseyedjavady.

Gina Hajiseyedjavady

Westborough, Junior, Singles

Hajiseyedjavady, Westborough’s leadoff singles player, helped lead the Rangers to the semifinals of the Division 2 state tournament. Westborough posted two shutout wins en route to the Final Four, finishing 15-6. Her most memorable moment of the year came in a regular-season match against Longmeadow that started at 4:30 p.m. and ended four hours later. Hajiseyedjavady lost her match in three sets, but cheering on Diya Bhattacharya and seeing all of her teammates come together to support was a highlight of 2024 for Hajiseyedjavady. She is the daughter of Pantea Ebrahimpour and Houman Javady of Westborough.

Westborough girls tennis player Sahasra Kommineni.

Sahasra Kommineni

Westborough, sophomore, doubles

Kommineni went 19-2 in her first doubles matches and helped the Rangers reach the semifinals of the Division 2 state tournament. Beating Wayland 5-0 in the quarterfinals to advance to the Final Four was Kommineni's most memorable moment of the season. Kommineni was a Mid-Wach A all-star. Her two-year record in doubles matches is 33-4. She is the daughter of Ajay Kommineni and Chaitanya Govada of Westborough.

Erin McGrath, the Quaboag girls tennis player.

Erin McGrath

Quaboag, Junior, Singles

McGrath went 16-1-1 in her No. 2 singles matches and helped the Cougars reach the Division 4 state tournament round of 16. She was an SWCL all-star and the runner-up in the SWCL singles tournament. Her most memorable moment of the season was her second-round singles victory over Bromfield at the state tournament. She fell behind, 0-4, in the first set, but rallied to win the next 12 games and take the match, 6-4, 6-0. Her second singles match against Algonquin Regional, which lasted nearly three hours and ended in a tie due to darkness, was another memorable moment. She is the daughter of Michelle and Christopher McGrath of Warren.

Nora Oliver, the tennis player from Leicester.

Nora Olivier

Leicester, Seniors, Singles

Oliver repeated as a T&G Super Team honoree after going 15-3 at No. 1 singles to lead the Wolverines to their third straight Division 4 state tournament round of 16 appearance. Winning her match and leading Leicester to victory on Senior Night was her most memorable moment of the season. Oliver, a two-year captain, earned SWCL all-star honors for the third straight season and received Leicester’s Scholar-Athlete Award. She will attend the University of Connecticut in the fall to study allied health sciences. She is the daughter of Kristan and Keith Oliver of Worcester.

The Nashoba girls' tennis team player, Thais Stanzione.

Thai Stations

Nashoba, freshmen, singles

In her first singles matches, Stanzione went 14-1 in the regular season and 3-0 in the postseason as she led the Wolves to the Division 2 state tournament round of 32. Stanzione was 10-0 against Mid-Wach A opponents and was the league's MVP. She received Nashoba's Most Outstanding Contributor Award for sportsmanship, leadership and athletic achievement. Her first high school match, which she won, 6-4, 6-3, to help Nashoba to a 3-2 victory at Algonquin Regional, was her most memorable moment of the season. She is the daughter of Allie and Greg Stanzione of Stow.

Michelle Xu, Bromfield girls' tennis player.

Michelle Xu

Bromfield School, Freshmen, Singles

Xu helped the Trojans reach the quarterfinals of the Division 4 state tournament. She went 10-8 in her first singles matches and earned Mid-Wach A all-star honors. Her most memorable moment of the season came in Bromfield's state quarterfinal match against Lynnfield. The Trojans lost 3-2, but cheering with her teammates was a special memory for Xu. Bromfield went on to win 14-7. She is the daughter of Bei Qi and Chenyang Xu of Devens.




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