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Knobloch and Spilis named 2024 Big Ten Medal of Honor recipients

Knobloch and Spilis named 2024 Big Ten Medal of Honor recipients


PISCATAWAY, NJ –Rutgers University Student AthletesShane Knobloch of men's lacrosse and Cassidy Spilis of the women's lacrosse teams received the prestigious Big Ten Medal of Honor.

This year marks 110 years sincee anniversary of the Big Ten Medal of Honor, given annually to one male and one female student-athlete from the graduating class of each member institution who demonstrate excellence on and off the field during their collegiate careers. The conference’s most exclusive award was the first of its kind in intercollegiate athletics to recognize academic and athletic excellence.

Knobloch finished his Rutgers career last season as the second four-time All-American in program history and the first since 1980. The Moorestown, N.J. native was a First Team All-American in three publications last season and was named the Lt. Donald MacLaughlin Jr. Outstanding Midfielder of the Year by the USILA, the first winner of the nation's top midfielder award in program history. He was also named First Team All-Big Ten and to the Tewaaraton Award Top 25 Watch List this season as he scored 29 goals, leading the team and finishing second on the team with 11 assists for 40 points. He scored multiple goals in 11 games with five hat tricks and had a team-high four man-up goals. For his career, Knobloch has played in 60 games, scoring 98 goals and adding 49 assists for 147 points. He was selected to the All-Big Ten three times, made to the First Team twice, and was named the 2021 Big Ten Freshman of the Year. He was selected to the All-ECAC twice and was a Scholar All-American last season. Knobloch was the fourth overall draft pick in the First Round of the Premier Lacrosse Collegiate Draft, the highest drafted player in program history, and currently plays for the Carolina Chaos in the PLL.

The most prolific scorer in Rutgers women's lacrosse history, Spilis finished her collegiate career as the program's all-time leader in career points (281), goals (266) and draw controls (313). In 81 career games, Spilis produced 281 points on 266 goals and 15 assists along with 313 draw controls, 149 ground balls and 102 caused turnovers. The Tabernacle, New Jersey native was a two-time conference player of the year, four-time First Team All-Big Ten selection, three-time IWLCA All-American and three-time IWLCA All-Region pick. Last season, Spilis scored 79 points on 74 goals and five assists, along with 98 draw controls, 40 ground balls and 36 caused turnovers, earning first-team All-America, all-region and all-conference recognition and being named the 2024 Big Ten Midfielder of the Year. In the classroom, Spilis was selected to Academic All-Big Ten four times. Spilis worked toward her master's degree and was the Big Ten's Dr. Pepper College Football Playoff scholarship recipient — given to one student-athlete from the conference each year.

Rutgers recently awarded the 10e season of Big Ten competition. Knobloch is the men's lacrosse program's third Big Ten Medal of Honor recipient, following Kieran Mullins in 2021 and Michael Rexrode in 2018. Spillis is the second-ever recipient of the Medal of Honor for women's lacrosse, as TT Naslonski became the first in 2022.

All-Time Rutgers Big Ten Medal of Honor Scarlet Knights
2024: Shane Knobloch (men's lacrosse) and Cassidy Spilis (women's lacrosse)
2023:Adam Korsak(football) &Hannah Joyner(gymnastics)
2022:Geo Bakker(men's basketball) &TT Naslonski (women's lacrosse)
2021: Kieran Mullins (men's lacrosse) & Gianna Glatz (field hockey)
2020:Jordan Pagano(wrestling) &Amanda Visco(women's football)
2019:Anthony Ashnault(wrestling) & Sarah Johanek (rowing)
2018: Michael Rexrode (men's lacrosse) & Casey Murphy (women's soccer)
2017: Ken Theobold (wrestling) & Alyssa Bull (field hockey)
2016:Corey CrawfordD(men's track and field) & Brianne Reed (women's soccer)
2015:David Milewski (football) &Betnija Laney(women's basketball)

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