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Arizona football coach dies after heart attack

Arizona football coach dies after heart attack


On June 29, David Moran, coach of the Indoor Football League's NAZ Wranglers, suffered a heart attack before a game at Prescott Valley. He died two days later.

PRESCOTT VALLEY, Ariz. — David Moran, the defensive coordinator for the Indoor Football League's NAZ Wranglers, died two days before a game after suffering a heart attack, the team announced in a statement on X (formerly Twitter) Monday night.

Moran suffered a heart attack on Saturday about two hours before the Wranglers played the San Diego Strike Force at the Findlay Toyota Center in Prescott Valley, according to another message from the team.

A concession stand employee saw Moran collapse and called the team. The team was joined by an athletic trainer and a ticket scanner, who happened to be a retired firefighter. They went into action trying to revive Moran until paramedics arrived and took over.

Moran was taken to hospital and underwent surgery Sunday morning.

Moran died Monday night. His passing was first reported by KAFF News in Flagstaff and later confirmed by the team in a statement from President/Owner Fred DePalma, which can be read in its entirety below.

Fans, Family and Friends,

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Coach David Moran this evening. Coach Moran was surrounded by his mother, family, close friends and a number of NAZ Wranglers staff as he passed away peacefully. Coach Moran was not just a coach to us; he was a beloved mentor and friend to this community. His dedication to the game and his players was unmatched and his loss leaves a void that can never be filled.

During his collapse, the NAZ Wrangler coaching staff, a few arena staff members, Robin and I were all by his side in the arena. We witnessed the quick and commendable actions of Travis, our ATC and others who worked tirelessly to revive Coach until the paramedics arrived. He was never alone and was constantly surrounded by people who cared deeply about him.

We would also like to extend our deepest condolences to Coach Moran's mother, family and close friends. We know they were by his side through this ordeal, offering him love and comfort until the end.

Coach Moran’s impact on our lives cannot be overstated. His passion for the game and unwavering belief in the abilities of his players pushed them to perform better both on and off the field. He taught all the values ​​of teamwork, resilience and never giving up.

As we mourn the loss of Coach Moran, let us also celebrate the incredible legacy he leaves behind. His spirit will forever be a part of our team and we will honor him by continuing to play the game he loved with the same passion and dedication he instilled in us.

We ask that you keep Coach Moran's family and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Let us together remember and honor this remarkable man who touched the lives of so many.

We will share information about services and arrangements as we have details. Please keep Coach Moran's loved ones in your thoughts during this difficult time.

A lifetime of football in Arizona

Moran, a native of Prescott Valley, spent most of his life in his home state, where he devoted his heart to the sport.

He was a quarterback at Bradshaw Mountain High School in Prescott Valley, graduating in 2006, after which he took his talents to Oregon State University before returning home to play for Northern Arizona, where he moved to safety. He was even named team captain for the Lumberjacks.

After graduating from NAU, Moran joined the family coaching business. His grandfather, Ralph, coached football for more than 40 years and is inducted into the Arizona High School Athletic Coaches Hall of Fame. Ralph Moran played basketball at NAU and led Wickenburg High School to a state football title in 1977 and a state championship in 1979. He died in 1984.

His father, Steve, also coached football for more than 35 years, leading Bradshaw Mountain High School to the state semifinals six times between 1984 and 1998. Steve Moran led Florence High School to a state runner-up finish in 1983.

Steve Moran coached his son while David played at Bradshaw Mountain.

David Moran began coaching in 2002 when he became defensive coordinator at Sinagua High School in Flagstaff, which closed in 2010. Moran was later promoted to head coach of the school, but left after the 2007 season.

In 2008, he returned to his alma mater, Bradshaw Mountain, to become assistant defensive coordinator. In 2009, he became defensive coordinator at Independence High School in Glendale, a position he held for two seasons.

In 2011, he left Independence to return north and become defensive coordinator at Prescott High School, where his father was the head coach.

Two years later, he returned to Bradshaw Mountain again, taking on the role of defensive coordinator for the Bears.

In 2014, Moran became head coach of Bradshaw Mountain and served in that position until 2016.

David Moran and his father worked together at Sinagua, Independence and Bradshaw Mountain. Steve Moran passed away in 2020.

Moran joined the Wranglers as special teams coordinator during the team's inaugural season in 2021. In the second half of that season, Moran took over as the NAZ's defensive coordinator. He was a member of the Wranglers' IFL championship coaching staff in 2022.

The Wranglers will play the Bay Area Panthers on Sunday, July 7 in San Jose, California.

Arizona sports

The city of Phoenix is ​​home to four major professional sports teams: the Arizona Cardinals (NFL), the Phoenix Suns (NBA), the Phoenix Mercury (WNBA), and the Arizona Diamondbacks (MLB).

The Cardinals call State Farm Stadium in Glendale their home, and the Footprint Center in downtown Phoenix is ​​home to both the Suns and Mercury. The Indoor Football League's Arizona Rattlers play at Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale.

Phoenix also has a soccer team: Phoenix Rising FC of the USL, which plays at Phoenix Rising FC Stadium in Phoenix.

The Valley hosts several major sporting events each year, including college football's Fiesta Bowl and Guaranteed Rate Bowl; the WM Phoenix Open, the PGA Tours' most-attended event; NASCAR events in the spring and fall, including Championship Weekend in November; and Cactus League Spring Training for 15 Major League Baseball franchises.

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