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Liam Pitchford and Anna Hursey confirmed for Paris 2024!

Liam Pitchford and Anna Hursey confirmed for Paris 2024!


Anna Hursey and Liam Pitchford are officially going to the Paris Olympics!

Both were confirmed as part of Team GB today. It is a historic moment for both athletes as they compete in their respective singles competitions.

Pitchford, who qualifies based on his world ranking, will be competing at the Games for the fourth time and is the first British table tennis athlete to achieve the feat.

Hursey, who turned 18 last month, secured her spot through the European Singles Qualifying Tournament in Sarajevo in May.

She is the first Welsh table tennis player to compete at the Olympic Games and will be a year younger than Pitchford when he took his place at his first Games in London 2012.

Hursey is only the third British athlete to qualify through the continental qualifying tournament, and the first since 1992, when Lisa Lomas and Alison Gordon qualified for the Barcelona Games through the tournament.

The teenager said: I'm just really, really excited about it. I'm looking forward to playing and having that experience with a lot of people watching and what it feels like to be on the table will be a completely different experience.

I'll try to take the whole experience in. I think it'll be really cool to see how everyone prepares for it and see all the different athletes and what they're like and how they handle things.

Pitchford helped Great Britain reach the team quarter-finals at Rio 2016, where they lost to a mighty China. His best singles performance is reaching the last 32 in both Rio and Tokyo.

He has been out of action recently with a shoulder injury but is now back in full training and said it was a relief to have his qualification confirmed.

He said: I knew for a while that I had done enough to get on the rankings, but you never know, things can change, and with my shoulder it was a bit of a wait. I would have liked to have done it a bit sooner.

I'm really happy, it's going to be my fourth Games. I've got my shoulder back to 100%, I'm in rehab and I'm in good shape. I've been back on the table for a couple of weeks now and I'm feeling good, so I'm going to go straight out there and I'm ready for it.

The team announcement came on the same day that Pitchford and Hursey attended the kitting out ceremony, where athletes collect all the custom-made competition and leisure clothing they will wear during the Games.

Also in attendance was coach John Murphy and team principal Gavin Evans, who will both be part of the Team GB delegation. David McBeath will travel to France as a sparring partner, while physiotherapist Justin Lucas-Hill will work with the athletes at the pre-season camp in France later this month.

The Games' opening ceremony is on July 26, and the table tennis competitions begin the following day, with the first stages of the men's and women's singles and mixed doubles.

The medal matches will take place on August 3 and 4, with the team events beginning on August 5.




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