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Charles shares memories of a school cricket match as he organises a garden party

Charles shares memories of a school cricket match as he organises a garden party


Charles and Queen Camilla welcomed around 8,000 visitors to the Palace of Holyrood House on the first day of their official stay in Edinburgh, known as Holyrood Week. The social event was also attended by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh.

At the start of the garden party, the King and his wife were introduced to the first female members of the palace's High Constables, the ceremonial police force. They had been appointed in November the previous year and were helping the guests at their first garden party.

The King and Queen with the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh descend the stairs at the garden party
The King and Queen with the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh (Jane Barlow/PA)

When Charles met Jacqueline and Trevor Hills from Nairn, a seaside town in the Scottish Highlands, the conversation quickly turned to the sound of leather on willow, as cricket fans call it.

Mr Hills, whose wife was invited to the social event through her role as Nairn clerk, said: Charles said that when he was at Gordonstoun he played cricket against a team from Nairn.

I hesitated whether to ask about the score when he said his school had lost.

But he did have the highest score, although he said it wasn't that much.

Speaking about the king, who is undergoing cancer treatment, he said: Charles looks well, considering what he has been through, and it was nice to meet him.

King visits Scotland for Holyrood Week
Belinda Hacking, left, and Victoria Webber are the first female High Constables (Jane Barlow/PA)

The new palace agents were Victoria Webber, 42, a breast surgeon, and Belinda Hacking, 52, a psychologist. They said they applied for the jobs after hearing about them, sending in their CVs as requested and having a short interview.

Mrs Hacking said: It is a ceremonial task to help guests if they are lost, but the public is very curious about what we do.

The two officers, like their male colleagues, carried batons, but the wooden symbols of their office were meant for show, not to control the crowd.

The four members of the royal family attended the garden party separately and met a large number of guests. Despite the gray clouds that threatened to bring rain, only a few spots fell.

Charles walks through a guard of honour during the Ceremony of the Keys on the forecourt of the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh
Charles walks through a guard of honour during the Ceremony of the Keys on the forecourt of the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh (Andrew Milligan/PA)

Earlier, Charles began his official stay in Scotland by receiving the keys to the city of Edinburgh, which is celebrating its 900th anniversary.

He was welcomed by the Lord Provost, Edinburgh City Councillor Robert Aldridge, who presented the keys on a red velvet cushion, which Charles symbolically touched.

The King issued the following statement after his gesture: I return these keys in the full belief that they can be placed in no better hands than those of the Lord Provost and the Councillors of my good city of Edinburgh.




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