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Virginia Women's Soccer | McCormack Called Up to US U-20 WYNT Training Camp

Virginia Women's Soccer | McCormack Called Up to US U-20 WYNT Training Camp


CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia. Sophomore midfielder Yuna McCormack has been called up to participate in the U.S. Under-20 National Youth Team training camp, U.S. Soccer announced as head coach Tracey Kevins named the 24-player roster.

The training camp will run from July 8-16 in Athens, Georgia, and will include two international matches against Mexico. Both matches will be held at the Jack Turner Soccer Complex on the campus of the University of Georgia. The teams will meet on Saturday, July 13 and Tuesday, July 16, with both matches starting at 6:30 p.m. ET. The matches are open to the public.

This will be the final training camp for the U.S. Under-20 team before Kevins puts together a roster of 21 players who will represent the U.S. at the 2024 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup, which will be held across four locations in Colombia from August 31 to September 22.

The U.S. opens the FIFA U-20 Womens World Cup on Sunday, September 1 against reigning FIFA U-20 Womens World Cup champions Spain, before taking on Morocco on Wednesday, September 4, and closing out the group stage against Paraguay on Saturday, September 7. The U.S. will play its first and second group stage matches at Pascual Guerrero Stadium in Cali, Colombia, with its third group stage match at El Techo Stadium in the capital city of Bogotá.


Goalkeepers (3): Caroline Birkel (St. Louis Scott Gallagher; St. Louis, Mo.), Mackenzie Gress (Penn State; Lyndhurst, NJ), Teagan Wy (California; Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.)

Defenders (8): Aven Alvarez (North Carolina Courage Academy; New Hill, NC), Hailey Baumann (Wisconsin; South Lyon, Mich.), Jordyn Bugg (San Diego Surf SC; El Cajon, Calif.), Elise Evans (Stanford; Redwood City, Calif.), Heather Gilchrist (Florida State; Boulder, Colo.), Savannah King (Bay FC; West Hills, Calif.), Leah Klenke (Notre Dame; Houston, Texas), Gisele Thompson (Angel City FC; Studio City, Calif.)

Midfielders (7): Sofia Cook (UCLA; Huntington Beach, Calif.), Sam Courtwright (Texas Tech; Dallas, Texas), Claire Hutton (Kansas City Current; Bethlehem, N.Y.), Riley Jackson (North Carolina Courage; Roswell, Ga.), Ally Lemos (Orlando Pride; Glendora, Calif.), Yuna McCormack (Virginia; Mill Valley, California)Taylor Suarez (Florida State; Charlotte, NC)

Attackers (6): Emeri Adames (Seattle Reign; Red Oak, Texas), Madeline Dahlien (UNC; Edina, Minn.), Jordynn Dudley (Florida State; Milton, Ga.), Giana Riley (Florida State; Manteca, Calif.), Ally Sentnor (Utah Royals FC; Hanson, Mass.), Pietra Tordin (Princeton; Miami, Fla.)




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