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Wimbledon Predictions: Free Tennis Tips for Day 3

Wimbledon Predictions: Free Tennis Tips for Day 3


Wimbledon Predictions & Best Bets for Day 3 – July 3:

The short grass season is almost over, as Wimbledon is just around the corner. I’ve done some pre-tournament analysis of the draws for both the men’s and women’s events. But now it’s time to look at Day 3 of action at the All England Club, which takes place on Wednesday, July 3rd. Keep reading for some of my top picks for a day that will see Jannik Sinner, Carlos Alcaraz, and Elena Rybakina in action.

I tend to have a lot more tennis predictions on the Pro Picks page. I occasionally add a few picks throughout the day, as schedules can get a bit weird due to the international nature of the sport. I also like to see how the odds are developing. That said, keep checking that page every few hours if you want more of my picks. I will also post plays for smaller tournaments on that page.

MORE: Check out our Pro Picks page for everything our experts are betting on!

2024 record: 458-467 (+25.81 units)

Clara Burel vs. Sonay Kartal – Scheduled for 6:00pm ET

I was at Kartal in her match against Sorana Cirstea. The British player lost the first set in that match, but then she really went for it. Kartal eventually won 3-6, 6-2, 6-0, and seemed like a player who is not quite ready yet. Now Kartal gets a dream match against Burel, who had lost five games in a row before beating Eva Lys in the previous match. Burel shook off the losses quite nicely and played a very clean match against Lys. However, this is a much stronger opponent. And Burel will have to play both Kartal and the home crowd. That could make it a bit harder for her to keep her nerve.

If Burel struggles to deal with the atmosphere, Kartal really plays on it. Burel is a player who swings a lot and plays with little margin, while Kartal is able to get a lot of balls back and force misses out of her opponents. But Kartal also has the ability to flip the script and go on the attack with her booming forehand.

The only thing that really needs to happen here is for Kartal to hit her points with her serve, if she can do that she should win this match.

Bet: Kartal ML (-133 – 1.5 units)

Stan Wawrinka vs. Gael Monfils – Scheduled for 10:30am ET

Wawrinka has had a miserable 2024 season, but I think he can win this match. For starters, Wawrinka’s problem at majors later in his career is his fitness. He usually looks good in the opening round and gets worn out in the second round. But Wawrinka took the whole month of June off. He also happened to win his opening round match in straight sets. So he should really be ready to rock Monfils. Meanwhile, it’s not like he’s playing a youngster. Monfils, who is 37 years old, will feel everything Wawrinka is on the other side of the net. So this match should come down to real tennis, and I think Wawrinka has the game to push the Frenchman.

The reality is that Monfils hasn’t been as accurate with his serve in 2024 as he has been in the past. He’s also taken a big step back as a returner. So when you combine that with the fact that Wawrinka is a bit more solid from the baseline, it’s not hard to see why the Swiss would be a good value. I think this will ultimately be a close match, with a few sets that could easily go either way. That makes me like the idea of ​​taking the games, but I’m also throwing a bit of the dice on Wawrinka to win outright.

Bet: Wawrinka +4.5 Games (-120 – 1.5 units) & Wawrinka ML (+250 – 0.5 units)

Lloyd Harris vs. Ben Shelton – Scheduled for 11:00am ET

Harris might be a little tired after winning a gruelling five-set match in the first round, but it should help that Shelton also had to play five sets and did so over two days due to curfew rules. But overall, I just trust Harris’ grass game a little more here. Shelton should theoretically be perfect for Wimbledon, but it might take him a while to figure it out. For now, the American seems a little lost when it comes to finding ways to win points once the ball is in play. That said, Shelton will have some easy holds on serve, as his serve is hard to get back on this surface. But the same goes for Harris, who has a booming serve. And Harris should be able to capitalize on the few opportunities that arise during this match.

Bet: Harris ML (+130)

Matteo Berrettini vs. Jannik Sinner – Scheduled for 12:00pm ET

Check out my Berrettini vs. Sinner preview here.

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I usually have a LOT MORE on the Pro Picks page. Those plays count toward my record and are a huge part of my success this season. Make sure you check them out. I'll probably add a few more, so refresh that page throughout the day if you're looking for action.

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