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74 Bearcats earn All-Big 12 academic honors in spring


CINCINNATI Seventy-six University of Cincinnati student-athletes have earned Big 12 Spring All-Academic honors, the league announced.

Of the 74 honorees, Claire Curtsinger of the women's track and field team was the only Bearcat with a perfect 4.0 GPA.

First team members are those who have achieved a GPA of 3.20 or higher, while second team selections have a GPA of 3.00 to 3.19.

To be eligible, student-athletes must have a GPA of 3.00 or higher, either cumulatively or for the two preceding semesters, and must have participated in 20 percent of their team's scheduled competitions. Freshmen and transfers are not eligible in their first year of academic residency. Senior student-athletes who have participated for at least two years and meet all criteria except percentage of participation are also eligible.

First team
Baseball (11)
Tommy BobaSo., Marketing
Kerrington CrossSr., Chemical Technology
Driver GraafsJr., Finance
Cole HartingSr., Business Analysis
Jos HegemanSr., Health Sciences
Chase HorstSo., Communication
Griffin HugusSo., Entrepreneurship
Tommy O'ConnorJr., Sports Administration
Max PalmieriSr., Sports Administration
Alex SheaSr., Interdisciplinary
Sean SpringerSr., Marketing

Men's Golf (2)
Willem McDonaldGr., Marketing
Rylan WotherspoonSun., Sports Administration

Ladies Golf (1)
Paola RosarioSr., Interdisciplinary

Women's Lacrosse (20)
Paris AlexanderJr., Political Science
Kimora BaileyGr., Business Administration Acct
Sara BarnesJr., Public Relations
Camryn-CallaghanSun., Sports Administration
Harper CloptonJr., Political Science
Lindsey DurkotaGr., Nutritional Sciences
Sophia FinottiGr., Health and welfare management
Kylie GioiaJr., Sports Administration
Ava GoellerSr., Interdisciplinary
Mercy HirschmannSr., Marketing
Mercy JennyGr., Executive
Ashley LappSr., Interdisciplinary
Dani MlkvyGr., Speech therapy
Elizabeth MurphySr., Environmental Studies
Lauren OttensmeyerSr., Psychology
Jordan RemerSr., Finance
Julie RoosSr., Psychology
Kirsten SchleicherJr., International Affairs
Lexie WolfeSo., Interdisciplinary
Callie FlanaganJr. Women's Tennis Nutrition and Dietetics

Women's tennis (2)
Callie FlanaganJr., Nutrition and Dietetics
Sanjana RedSr., Medical Sciences

Men's Athletics (12)
Justin AbramsSr., Interdisciplinary
Jack BarchetSr., Mechanical Engineering
Camden BeattySo., Operational Management
Roderick FlintGr., Sports Administration
Matthew GarberGr., Nutritional Sciences
Naquille HarrisSr., Interdisciplinary
Robert HartSo., Interdisciplinary
Matt HoakGr., Business Administration
Ryan PehlmanSr., Chemical Technology
Brock ShellhaasSr., Biological Sciences
Colin SmitGr., Public Health
Tyler With PlayerGr., Business Administration

Women's athletics (12)
Claire Curtsinger,* So., Accounting
Anaya DeesSr., Psychology
Kaira GrangerJr., Psychology
Carmela HenningGr., Business Administration
Hannah JacksonGr., Individual taxation
Camiyah JamesJr., Movement Sciences
Lauren KentSo., Movement Science
Annika KinleyJr., Urban Planning
Abby Knouffjr., marketing
Gwen StaringSo, Undecided
Maddie WalkerGr., Nutritional Sciences
Peach WidenhouseSr., Business Analysis

Second team (14)
Max BergmannSr., Marketing
Lauden BrooksJr., Sports Administration
Alec JonesSr., Biological Sciences
Kory KlingenbeckSr., Interdisciplinary

Men's Golf
Ryan FordSun., Sports Administration
Ty GingerichSr., Finance

Women's Lacrosse
Alexis RijkJr., Communication
Thea WerkSo., Neuroscience

Women's tennis
Isabel PachecoSo., Communication

Athletics for men
Brandon BonsuSr., Interdisciplinary
Brandon JohnsonJr., Sports Administration
Fred Moudani-LikibiSr., Interdisciplinary

Women's athletics
Nadia CollinsJr., Interdisciplinary
Alicia ThorpeSr., Interdisciplinary


The University of Cincinnati Athletics Department competes at the highest level of intercollegiate athletics with the vision toSuccess at the next levelfor all 18 college teams and more than 450 student-athletes. The Bearcats have a proud athletic history, with eight national championships and 118 conference titles, and have entered a new era as a member of the Big 12 in 2023.

The mission of UC Athletics is toconnectour community,to expandour university andinfluencethe lives of student-athletes as they prepare to change the world on and off the field.

For more information, visit




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