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Backfields to aim for and avoid based on play callers

Backfields to aim for and avoid based on play callers


Sean McVays has several feature backs: Todd Gurley II, Cam Akers, Kyren Williams and several others have played an all-encompassing role in McVay's Los Angeles Rams attack, and at some point this season, Blake Choir can be added to the list.

Brian Robinson Jr. or Austin Thank you could be a bargain: Kliff Kingsbury is another playcaller who has used multiple different lead running backs in his coaching career. It is uncertain who will take that job with the Washington Commanders.

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Yesterday I delved into the roles of running backs and what that means for their fantasy production. With that information, I came up with three teams that are worth targeting as their backups because their offensive playcaller has typically assigned them to a feature role when their starter is injured. I also listed three teams that you should avoid because their offensive playcaller has rarely assigned a running back to a feature role.

Goal: Washington Commanders

Kliff Kingsbury is the new offensive coordinator for the Commanders. He was the head coach of the Arizona Cardinals from 2019-2022. During his four years, he consistently had someone who was a feature back on everything but third downs, and that back changed frequently due to injuries. In his first two years, he went from David Johnson Unpleasant Kenyan Drakeand then James Conner joined the team in 2021. In each of the first three years that injuries were present, Chase Edmonds would take over as the feature back instead of a committee taking over. In 2022, both One Benjamin and Corey Clement played key roles when Conner was absent due to injury.

Brian Robinson Jr. And Austin Thank you appear locked in for the top two spots. It is unclear how snaps will be split between the two, but chances are someone wins that starting position and plays a major role. If one gets injured, the other would have to be a feature back.

Goal: Los Angeles Rams

The Rams have played 31 games in the last three seasons with a feature back or a back who makes all but third downs, which is sixth among teams. The five teams ahead of the Rams are in the top five largely because they had one specific back who held the feature role for most of that span.

For the past five years, Todd Gurley II, Cam Akers, Malcolm Brown, Darrell Henderson Jr., Sony Michel, Kyren Williams And Royce Freeman have all played a leading role in at least one match, depending on who was fit and who Sean McVay thought was the best at the time.

Williams played very well last year and we can all expect him to be the most important player to start the season, but the Rams spent the 83rd overall pick on Blake ChoirThere's a good chance that Corum won't have any fantasy value unless Williams gets injured or plays poorly, in which case Corum would fill one of the best roles of any running back.

Zac Robinson is the new offensive coordinator for the Atlanta Falconsand his experiences with the Rams during those same five seasons give reason for optimism for Sesame Robinsons increased role as well Tyler Allgeierpotential if Robinson gets injured.

Goal: Philadelphia Eagles

Kellen Moore is the new offensive coordinator for the Eagles. From 2019-2022 he was the Dallas Cowboysoffensive coordinator,Where Ezekiel Elliott was his feature back, and last year with the Los Angeles Chargers, Austin Thank you was his back.

It's hard to know for sure how much of that was Moore's philosophy and how much was having running backs with strong reputations, but Tony Pollard had games as a feature back in 2020 and 2022 with Dallas when Elliott was out, and Joshua Kelley last year, when Ekeler was not there, three matches.

This is great for Saquon-Barkley, who would be a valuable running back ranking regardless of the offensive coordinator. It is unclear whether Kenneth Gainwell or Will Shipley will be given the role of reserve, but it will be worth seeing how those two are used in the pre-season.

Prevent: Cleveland Browns

Kevin Stefanski was the Minnesota Vikings' offensive coordinator fora year where Dalvin Cook was the lead actor, but has since had commissions in Cleveland. Nick Chubb was the Browns' best back during that span, but Chubb has never been a significant back by that definition, playing at most three games per season in a non-third-down role, as he is rarely the primary back for two minutes of drills.

This year Chubb should be back, but probably won't be 100%. Ford and Strong returned to the team while Donta Foreman And Nyheim Hines were added in the off-season. There is a good chance that this backfield will remain a committee for the entire season.

Alex Van Pelt is the New England Patriots' new offensive coordinator, but has been the Browns' offensive coordinator for the past four seasons. This is a similar cause for concern for Rhamondre Stevenson as Antonio Gibson shares her time with him.

Prevent: Los Angeles Chargers

Greg Roman is the new offensive coordinator for the Chargers after serving as offensive coordinator from 2019-2022. Baltimore Ravens' Offensive coordinator. Joining him in Los Angeles are former Ravens Gus Edwards And JK Dobbins as well as sixth round pick Kimani Vidal.

At the time, the Ravens averaged four games per season in which someone played the feature or all but the third-down role. Baltimore often used three to four running backs, and no one played more than 530 snaps.

Even if there is an injury to the Chargers' back, someone like Kenyan Drake, who has experience in Romans' offense, could be brought in to keep a three-man committee instead of one running back who becomes a key player.

Prevent: Chicago Bears

The Bears' new offensive coordinator is Shane Waldron, another coach who averages just four games per season with a running back in an ideal role.

During Waldron's tenure, the Seahawks went from Chris Carson Unpleasant Rashad Penny Unpleasant Kenneth Walker IIIbut regardless of who the starter was, we saw third down backs like Travis Homer, DeeJay Dallas And Zach Charbonnet take important photos.

The Bears added Dandre Swift to be their starter in the free agency market with Rochson Johnson and Khalil Herbert as primary backups. This is especially bad news for Swift, as at least one or both of Herbert or Johnson should still see significant snaps.

Coincidentally, Homer, who played 181 snaps in 2021 and 165 in 2022 under Waldron in Seattle, joined the Bears in 2023, a year before Waldron, and is still under contract. Despite the talent at the top three spots, it’s not out of the question that Homer could fill a role like he did in Seattle. Even if someone gets injured, we could still see a three-back committee.




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