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UCF Athletics Places 86th on Spring Academic All-Big 12 Team – UCF Athletics

UCF Athletics Places 86th on Spring Academic All-Big 12 Team – UCF Athletics


Following the conclusion of the track and field year and spring seasons, 86 UCF student-athletes have been named to the 2024 Spring Academic All-Big 12 Team, the conference announced Tuesday.

Rowing had 27 student-athletes selected and softball had 16 players selected, the most of any softball team in the Big 12. Track and field also had 16 on the team, baseball had 10, men's tennis had six, followed by women's tennis with five, and men's and women's golf each had three student-athletes named to the team.

Seventy-six players were named to the first team, a recognition given to student-athletes with a GPA of 3.2 or higher.

To be eligible, student-athletes must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, either cumulatively or for the two preceding semesters, and must have participated in 20 percent of their team's scheduled competitions. Freshmen and transfers are not eligible in their first year of academic residency. Senior student-athletes who have participated for at least two years and meet all criteria except percentage of participation are also eligible.

UCF student-athletes have extended their record streak in the classroom to 33 consecutive semesters with a department grade point average of 3.0 or higher, including 10 consecutive semesters with a 3.3 or higher grade point average.
The Knights combined for a 3.42 GPA in the spring 2024 semester, tying for the highest semester GPA in program history.
More than 75% of student-athletes achieved a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the spring semester, and 63 achieved a perfect GPA of 4.0.

The academic statistics are based on 398 student-athletes who were on UCF rosters last semester, with 140 on the Dean's List, 109 on the Athletic Director's Honor Roll and 44 student-athletes on the President's List.
UCF has achieved a department-wide GPA of 3.3 or better in 10 consecutive semesters. The Knights have not had a semester below a 3.0 since the fall of 2007. The highest 12 semester grades in school history have come in the last 14 semesters, as the Knights have continued to win championships in their competitive areas.

Rowing (27)
Connery Cassidy, Sr., Interdisciplinary Studies
Seyene Oord, Sr., Psychology
Tegan Fookes, Sr., Interdisciplinary Studies
Julia Going, Jr., Environmental Engineering
Mackenzie Harrod, 5th, Environmental Engineering
Annberlee Hothem, * 5th, Emergency and crisis management
Aryann Johnson, 5th, Integrated Business Administration
Claire Kaminski, Jr., Integrated Business Administration
Emily LaRochelle, *So., Industrial Engineering
Hannah Lovejoy, *So., Accounting
Meagan Lukavec, Jr., Human Communication
Liza Lutter, 5th, Nanotechnology
Catherine Maloney, So., Human Communication
Isabella Montalvo, Jr., Kinesiology
Saskia Papsova, Sr., International and Global Studies
Martina Pischedda, Sr., Kinesiology
Veronica Rush, So., Emerging Media
Aubrie Russo, 5th, Integrated Business Administration
Melody Summers, Jr., Creative Writing
Alina Tasman, So., Economics
Ashley Tree, So., Kinesiology
Sophia Tursi, So., Primary Education
Audrey Vilendrer, So., Kinesiology
Natasjia Voulanas, So., Kinesiology
Martyna Wasilewska, Sr., Psychology
Bailey White, So., Psychology
Charlotte Wiley, Sr., Environmental Studies

Softball (16)
Savannah Adams, Jr., Kinesiology
Katie Burge, Sr., Finance
Katelyn Cochran, So., Integrated Business Administration
Jada Cody, 5th, Health Sciences
Angelina DeVoe, Sr., Criminal Law
Shannon Doherty, *5th, Interdisciplinary Studies
Aubrey Evans, So., Communications
Chloe Evans, Sr., Communications
Kaitlyn Felton, Jr., Health Sciences
Ashleigh Griffin, *Jr., Kinesiology
Sona Halajian, 5th, Integrated Business Administration
Grace Jewell, Sr., Communications
Johneisha Rowe, 5th, Communication & Conflict
Kennedy Searcy, Sr., Kinesiology
Jasmine Williams, 5th, Sociology
Sarah Willis, Sr., Communications

Athletics (16)
Paige Archer, So., Human Communication
Tamia Badal, 5th, Interdisciplinary Studies
Holly Cassels, * Sr., Kinesiology
Charlotte Crook, Gr., Sports Business Management
Alexandra Del Re, Sr., Kinesiology
Ashlyn Green, Sr., Kinesiology
Leiya Green, Sr., Kinesiology
Kendall Hughes, So., Health Sciences
Janyah Jasper, Sr., Psychology
Paige Jaszczak, So., Management
Riley Jaszczak, So., Biology, Pre-Vet
Rayniah Jones, Gr., Political Science
Kai'lyn Kirkland, Sr., Kinesiology
Natalia Madison, Jr., Kinesiology
Brenna Mullaney, Sr., Finance
Penelope Sosa, So., Kinesiology

Baseball (10)
Andrew Brait, R-Sr., Accounting
Dominic Castellano, Jr., Accounting
Matt Cedarburg, R-Sr., Integrative General Studies
Chase Centala, Sr., Psychology
Kyle Kramer, R-Sr., Human Communications
Kris Sosnowski, So., Kinesiology
Dom Stagliano, Jr., Human Communication
Andrew Sundean, *Jr., Integrative General Studies
Ben Vespi, Sr., Kinesiology
Najer Victor, Sr., Integrative General Studies

Men's tennis (6)
Mehdi Benchakroun, So., Interdisciplinary Studies
Liam Branger, Sr., Integrative General Studies
Paul Colin, So., Pre-integrated Business Administration
Lleyton Cronje, Sr., Integrative General Studies
Yassine Dlimi, So., Interdisciplinary Studies
Francisco Llanes, So., Prefinancing

Women's tennis (5)
Sophia Biolay, * Jr., Human Communication
Jantje Tilbuerger, * So., Human communication
Donatella Guarnieri, * So., Accounting
Anique Kattenberg, Sr., Health Sciences
Noel Saidenova, Sr., Integrative General Studies

Men's Golf (3)
Egor Eroshenko, Sr., Finance
Chase Haygood, So., Marketing
Cooper Tate, So., Communications

Ladies Golf (3)
Jessica Baker, Sr., Psychology
Camille Banzet, *Sr., Political Science
Pimpisa Sisutham, So., Psychology

*Indicates a perfect GPA of 4.0




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