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Hennessy hired as director of player personnel and football office operations


GRAND FORKS, ND – University of North Dakota American Football Head Coach Bubba is quiet announced on Tuesday the appointment of Jonah Hennessy as director of player personnel and football office operations.

“We look forward to Jonah's arrival in Grand Forks and the contributions he will make to our football program,” said Coach Schweigert. “His experience at previous institutions will help him enhance our recruiting efforts and player personnel management within our program.”

Hennessy arrives in Grand Forks after spending the 2023 season at Cornell in a similar role. While serving as a Recruiting Analyst and Assistant Director of Player Personnel for the Big Red, his primary duties included overseeing and maintaining the recruiting board, analyzing and evaluating prospect film, maintaining academic records of prospective student-athletes, mapping out special teams and creating workout plans. He also assisted in the planning and execution of all campus visits and created both personalized and generic graphics for recruits and their social media.

Prior to Cornell, Hennessy served as the Recruiting/Player Personnel Assistant at Army from 2022 to 2023. His primary responsibilities included discovering potential recruits through social media, analyzing and evaluating prospect film, and obtaining and maintaining academic and medical records of prospective student-athletes. In addition to these roles, he also assisted in the execution of all recruiting activities and provided recommendations and insights to coaches and personnel personnel based on recruits.

He spent the 2021-2022 academic year at Oklahoma, where he served as an Academic Mentor. With the Sooners, he developed individual success plans to ensure student-athletes reached their highest academic and personal potential, while fostering individual growth in academics and personal development. In his role, he mentored freshmen, transfer, and at-risk student-athletes through their transition to college by teaching useful time management and study skills.

Hennessy began his professional career as the football recruiting/scouting coordinator at Temple from 2018-19 and as a football recruiting/scouting intern at Villanova during the 2020 season.

Hennessy earned his bachelor's degree in sport and recreation management from Temple in 2020 and graduated with a master's degree in intercollegiate and athletic administration from the University of Oklahoma in 2022.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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