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Monday Digest: Canadians arrive in form at Wimbledon


Expectations are high for the Canadians competing at Wimbledon over the next two weeks, following a run of highly successful events in the run-up to the next major tournament on the calendar.

Just last week, two other Canadian women reached the final on the English grass courts and now they hope to emulate that success at the All England Club.

Here's what you need to know.

In case you missed it: Dangerous situations for Fernandez and Dabrowski

Leylah Annie Fernandez and Gabriela Dabrowski will be looking to take their success from last week's Rothesay International in Eastbourne to Wimbledon, where they both played for titles in preparation for the third major tournament of the year.

Fernandez had a brilliant run in singles, including victories over Barbora Krejcikova, Harriet Dart and Madison Keys. She reached her first grass final, where she was defeated by Daria Kasatkina.

Dabrowski came close to claiming her second grass-court title with Erin Routliffe when she served for the match in Eastbourne against Lyudmyla Kichenok and Jelena Ostapenko, but eventually lost in a tiebreak.

Also read: WTA Power Rankings: More Surprises at Wimbledon?

Three of the four Canadian women competing at the All England Club over the next two weeks reached the grass finals leading up to the championships: Bianca Andreescu, Fernandez and Dabrowski.

What to see: History awaits at Wimbledon

Six Canadians will compete this week on the grass court of the All England Club during the third Grand Slam tournament of the year: Wimbledon.

Two began their campaigns on Monday. Denis Shapovalov surprised No. 19 Nicolas Jarry in straight sets, while Bianca Andreescu defeated Jacqueline Cristian, also in straight sets.

The other three Canadians in singles, Leylah Annie Fernandez, Flix Auger-Aliassime and Marina Stakusic, are expected to play their opening matches on Tuesday.

Also read:ATP Power Rankings Young Guns aim to consolidate their top position at Wimbledon

Stakusic is making her first appearance at a Grand Slam main draw after qualifying for the first time in her career.

Gabriela Dabrowski and Erin Routliffe are the second seeds in the women's doubles. Fernandez also plays doubles with Ena Shibahara. Shapovalov teams up with Thanasi Kokkinakis.

Click here to read the full preview of the Canadian Wimbledon draw.

Under the radar: U15 shines

The Canadian juniors had a strong week, with several members of the Canadian U15 Prospect Team recording some notable results.

At a Tennis Europe U14 event in Edinburgh, Scotland, Alexandre Collin won the boys' doubles title with his Czech partner Daniel Soukup. The pair lost only one set all week and defeated the top favorites from Great Britain in the final.

On home soil, the host nation at the J30 event in Winnipeg not only won the title, but also the final, as each title match was an all-Canadian affair.

Elicia Lin, the second seed in the girls' singles, took home the title, defeating U15 Prospect Team member Amy Shen in the final. Lin played doubles in Winnipeg, also winning the doubles with Havana Kadi.

Read more: ​​Canada's tennis team for Paris 2024 announced

Boys top seed Gary Jiang won the title by defeating Dani Farran in the final. Farran got his revenge in the doubles final, when he and partner Jakob Gaudreau defeated Barnes Jiang and Matthew Jian Hao Lee for the title.

This week, professional tennis returns to Canada as Laval hosts an M25 event, the first professional event in Canada since March. Liam Draxl leads the field as top seed.

Click here to read the full Laval preview.

Here you can follow the Canadians in action every week.




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