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Utah Hockey Club Announces 2024-25 Season Schedule


Today, Utah Hockey Club announced the schedule for the 2024-2025 National Hockey League (NHL) regular season.

Utah hosts the Chicago Blackhawks for the first regular season game in franchise history on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at the Delta Center. The club then begins the away portion of its schedule with a four-game road trip, beginning against the New York Islanders on Thursday, Oct. 10 at UBS Arena. Utah returns to home action on Saturday, Oct. 19 against the Boston Bruins.

The announcement of the season schedule is always a highly anticipated moment for fans in the professional sports world, and it’s no secret that Utah is eagerly awaiting the exact moment their new NHL team hits the ice,” said Chris Armstrong, president of hockey operations for Utah Hockey Club. “Today’s announcement brings us one step closer to creating a strong bond between our club and our fans, and we’re excited for everyone to be involved in our inaugural season, whether they’re with us at the Delta Center or on the road.”

Central Division & Western Conference Matches

During the 2024-25 NHL season, Utah will play four games against these Central Division opponents: Chicago Blackhawks, Dallas Stars, Minnesota Wild, St. Louis Blues and Winnipeg Jets. Utah will face the Colorado Avalanche and Nashville Predators three times, for a total of 26 divisional games.

Utah will play the other eight Western Conference teams three times for a total of 24 games. In addition, the club will play each of the 16 Eastern Conference clubs twice, once at home and once away.

The reigning champions and the original six come to Utah

Utah will host all six original teams at the Delta Center this season: the Boston Bruins (October 19), Chicago Blackhawks (October 8 and February 25), Montreal Canadiens (January 14), New York Rangers (January 16), Toronto Maple Leafs (March 10) and the Detroit Red Wings (March 24).

The Florida Panthers, the 2023-24 Stanley Cup champions, will play one game at the Delta Center on Jan. 8. Utah also hosts division rival Colorado Avalanche on Oct. 24 and Dec. 27, the Vegas Golden Knights on Nov. 15, the Washington Capitals on Nov. 18, the Edmonton Oilers on Nov. 29, the Pittsburgh Penguins on Jan. 29 and the Los Angeles Kings on April 3.

Other notable highlights

The club will play seven games at home from Jan. 8 through Jan. 20, traveling no more than four games throughout the season. The team's final home game is Thursday, April 10 against the Nashville Predators. Utah's final regular-season finale is Tuesday, April 15 against the St. Louis Blues to wrap up a three-game road trip.

Utah's month-by-month breakdown includes 11 games in October (six home, five away), 13 games in November (four home, nine away), 13 games in December (six home, seven away), 14 games in January (nine home, five away), nine games in February (five home, four away), 14 games in March (six home, eight away) and eight games in April (five home, three away).

Utah's schedule consists of 12 consecutive games (eight away/away, two home/home, one away/home and one home/away).

4 countries compete against each other

In place of the 2025 NHL All-Star Game, the NHL will host the 4 Nations Face-Off in February 2025. The tournament will feature international matches between NHL players from Canada, Finland, Sweden and the United States and will consist of seven games over a nine-day period from February 12 through February 20, with training days designated for February 10 and February 11. No games from the NHL regular season schedule will be played during this period and rosters will be finalized and announced in late 2024. The tournament will be played in Montreal, Quebec and Boston, Massachusetts.

For information on how to purchase tickets for Utah Hockey Clubs' inaugural season at Delta Center,

The full 82-game schedule can be found below with all game times in MT. Broadcast information will be released later.





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