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Pioneers at NHL Summer Prospect Camps 2024


DENVER The University of Denver hockey program has 21 current and former players scheduled to attend 2024 NHL prospect development camps in July. Most of the camps begin this week following this past weekend’s NHL draft in Las Vegas, but several are scheduled for the following weeks.

The Pioneers have 15 current players and six former players attending 14 different NHL camps. DU had 18 players affiliated with the program attend camps last year.

Five players will stay local and attend the Colorado Avalanche's development camp from July 2-6: recently signed former player Sean Behrens2024 Draft Picks and Incoming DU Freshmen Jake Visser And Tory Pitner and guests Boston Buckberger And Matt Davis. The Minnesota Wild (Zeev Buium, Rieger Lorenz), San Jose Sharks (Eric Pohlkampalum Magnus Crona) and Winnipeg Jets (Garrett Brown, Kieran Cebrian) also have several pioneers attending their camps.

Incoming freshmen Hagen Burrows (Tampa Bay Lightning) and James Reeder (Los Angeles Kings) were invited to their NHL clubs' summer camps after being drafted last weekend, but both players will be unable to attend due to summer school at DU. Committed player Brendan McMorrow will also attend camp with the Buffalo Sabres this summer.

Development camps are a time when teams can introduce prospects and invitees to the professional level of the sport, so that the players are prepared to transition to the professional game in the future. Camps typically last three to five days and usually focus on different aspects of being a professional, including on-ice skills, nutrition and meal preparation, off-ice training, and finances.

Below is a full list of the Pioneers at the 2024 development camps.

Current Pioneers at the 2024 NHL Prospect Development Camps
Zeev Buium Minnesota Wild
Boston Buckberger Colorado Avalanche
Garrett Brown Winnipeg Jets
Kieran Cebrian Winnipeg Jets
Matt Davis Colorado Avalanche
Jack Devine Florida Panthers
Jake Fisher Colorado Avalanche
Sam Harris Montreal Canadiens
Carter King Calgary Flames
Rieger Lorenz Minnesota Wild
Tory Pitner Colorado Avalanche
Eric Pohlkamp San Jose Sharks
Samu Salminen New Jersey Devils
Aidan Thompson Chicago Blackhawks
Jared Wright Los Angeles Kings

Former students
Sean Behrens Colorado Avalanche
Tristan Broz Penguins of Pittsburgh
Shai Buium Detroit Red Wings
Miko Matikka Utah Hockey Club
Massimo Rizzo Philadelphia flyers
Magnus Chrona San Jose Sharks

Future dedicated players

Brendan McMorrow Buffalo Sabres

CARDS: Season ticket memberships and 5-game packs for Denver Hockey's 75th Anniversary in 2024-25 are available. Click here for purchase and more information.




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