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Female tennis stars push boundaries with outfits at Wimbledon | Wimbledon


Forget the stiff traditions: this year's Wimbledon tennis players are pushing the boundaries with their imaginative outfits on court.

World No. 2 Coco Gauff has worn a custom-made dress with cutouts that fans say is reminiscent of Serena Williams' 2019 Wimbledon outfit. The 20-year-old US Open champion said she asked New Balance for a design with cutouts, which made her dress look like a two-piece.

Gauff said that after beating Romania's Anca Todoni in straight sets on Wednesday, she tried to be creative with her style on court while adhering to Wimbledon's strict dress code, which requires all white.

I mean, honestly, Wimbledon, there's not much you can do in terms of color. We just tried to do something different with the cut of the dress. I love wearing crop tops. That cut is actually meant to be a crop top, [in] “An elegant Wimbledon-esque way,” she said.

She added: I just see Wimbledon as a tradition. Even with my nails, I usually always go French or white here to match that elegance, so I think that was the inspiration. The only thing you can really do here is play with the texture.

Gauff, who has previously said she plans her Grand Slam outfits a year or two in advance, said her dress was not inspired by Williams. Serena has simply done every iconic dress fit in the game, so you can inadvertently have something inspired by her, she added.

Naomi Osaka, the four-time Grand Slam champion who returned to the tour in 2024 after the birth of her first child, also wore a striking custom-made set when she took on American Emma Navarro, 23, on Centre Court on Wednesday. Osaka was defeated 6-4 6-1 in the second round.

The 26-year-old former world No. 1's Nike two-piece, featuring asymmetrical ruffles and a pleated skirt, divided fans, but Wimbledon described it as an elaborate outfit that wouldn't have looked out of place at the Met Gala.

Japan's Naomi Osaka in action on the third day of Wimbledon. Photo: Adam Vaughan/EPA

Meanwhile, Ukraine's Marta Kostyuk wore a white V-neck outfit inspired by her own wedding dress during her first-round win over Slovakia's Rebecca Ramkov on Monday.

The 22-year-old's sleeveless, open-back Wimbledon dress, which was seeded 18th, was designed by Wilson, the Chicago-based sports equipment and apparel brand that also designed her wedding dress.

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Marta Kostyuk from Ukraine on the first day of Wimbledon 2024. Photo: Robert Prange/Getty Images

Kostyuk's wedding dress featured a short slip dress under a long silk organza dress with hand-appliquéd flowers. In an interview published by Fashion On Monday, Wilson's design director Joelle Michaeloff said that Kostyuk's SW19 dress was in fact the original [under]dress, but with a built-in ball in this one.

She added: We added an underlay and raised the neckline a little bit. We don't want to make any mistakes at Wimbledon.

Maria Sharapova in 2008. Photo: Clive Brunskill/Getty Images

Wimbledon's all-white dress code dates back to the late 19th century, but the style has evolved over the years. In 1965, Italian Lea Pericoli wore a minidress with a floral detail, while American Anne White wore a Lycra unitard 20 years later. In more recent years, tennis stars have continued to push the boundaries, with Maria Sharapova wearing a tuxedo-inspired two-piece and Serena Williams wearing a trench coat-style gown in 2008.




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