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Rohan Bopanna, Sriram Balaji to Paris to compete in two ATP events | Tennis News


NEW DELHI: Ministry of Sports Olympic Cell Mission (MOC) has approved tennis bait Rohan Bopannarequest from 's for help for him and his partner in the men's doubles Sri Ram Balaji to compete in two ATP Tour events ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics. Bopanna and Balaji will travel to Hamburg and Umaag, accompanied by their coach and physiotherapist, to compete in the ATP 500 events before heading to Paris.
The MOC has also approved the requests of shooters Rhythm Sangwan, Sarabjot Singh, Vijayveer and Anish Bhanwala for assistance with the costs of personal coaches or trainers during the Olympic training camp in Volmerange and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in Chateauroux. The Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) will cover their costs for flights, meals and accommodation, visas and local transport.
The requests of skeet shooters Maheshwari Chauhan and Anantjeet Singh Narukas for assistance in training with personal coaches Riccardo Fillipelli in Arrezo, Italy, and Ennio Falco at the Tiro A Volo Falco shooting range in Capua, Italy, were also approved by MOC. During the meeting, MOC decided to provide assistance to steeplechasers Avinash Sabel and Parul Chaudhary and their coach Scott Simmons to St. Moritz, Switzerland, for 24 days of training ahead of the Olympic Games.
The women’s 4x400m relay team’s request for assistance in purchasing equipment and table tennis player Harmeet Desai’s request to support training in Biberach, Germany, and the purchase of various consumables as well as compensation for support staff were also approved by the MOC. The MOC included 400m sprinter Kiran Pahal, high jumper Sarvesh Anil Kushare and shot putter Abha Khatua in the TOPS Core group for the Paris Olympics.
Wrestlers Anshu Malik and Aman Sherawat will train in Japan and Russia respectively ahead of the Paris Games. Their proposals were among those approved by the MOC. Anshu requested support to train with four-time Olympic gold medalist Kaori Icho at Nippon Sports Science University in Yokohama, along with her coach Chitakara Tanabe, sparring partner and physiotherapist for 41 days. The 57kg wrestler had trained at Nippon University ahead of the Olympic qualifiers earlier this year and to work on her technique.
Meanwhile, freestyle wrestler Aman Sherawat will travel to Dagestan, Russia to train at the international camp that will have wrestlers from many countries including Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. He will travel with his sparring partner and physiotherapist to train in Dagestan for 30 days before leaving for Paris for the Olympic Games.
The MOC also approved overseas camps for Indian shooter Manu Bhaker and Para high jumpers T Mariyappan and Nishad Kumar. Manu requested support to train with her personal coach in Luxembourg, Germany, while Mariyappan and Nishad Kumar will train with coach Jeremy Fischer at the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center, San Diego, USA.
During the meeting, MOC inducted rifle shooter Sandeep Singh and para-athlete Preeti Pal into the Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) Core group and promoted eight athletes who went to the Olympics from Development to Core group. These are Sarabjot Singh, Arjun Singh Cheema, Rhythm Sangwan, Ramita, Anish and Esha Singh (Shooting) and Manu DP and Jyothi Yarraji (Athletics).
The Ministry of Home Affairs has also approved procurement of Game Ready equipment for archer Dhiraj Bommadevara, training equipment for race walker Akshdeep Singh and financial support for coaching and support staff for Para table tennis player Bhavina Patel, yoga trainer, psychologist/mental conditioning coach and assistant coach for para archers Manish, Rudransh, Rubina and Rahul and for physiotherapist for Para badminton player Manasi Joshi during the 4 Nations Para Badminton International.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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