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Major League Cricket kicks off with a bang on Willow by Cricbuzz with free Sunday night matches and exclusive broadcast partnerships


Major League Cricket kicks off with a bang on Willow by Cricbuzz with free Sunday night matches and exclusive broadcast partnerships

Willow by Cricbuzz announces expanded MLC coverage and partnerships with regional sports networks; free Sunday night matches begin July 7

Willow from Cricbuzzwhich offers more live, streaming and on-demand cricket than any other sports service, today announced expanded broadcast plans for the 2024 Major League Cricket (MLC) season. Cricket fans across North America can look forward to unparalleled access to live MLC matches on Willow from Cricbuzz and its regional sports network, in addition to special free-to-view broadcasts on Sunday evenings on, www.cricbuzz.comthe Cricbuzz Appand the Willow app.

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In addition to airing all MLC matches on Willow by Cricbuzz, the company has partnered with several regional sports networks to bring regular season matches to local markets. Now, fans can get behind their hometown teams and cheer on many of the same players who electrified them during the USA’s unforgettable ICC T20 World Cup run.

Partner regional sports networks include:

  • Monumental Sports Network (DC Freedom)

  • YES Network (My New York)

  • ROOTSPORTS (Orcas from Seattle)

  • Bally Sport Southwest (Texas Super Kings)

  • Bally Sport Southern California (LA Knight Riders)

Three Sunday evening matches on July 7, 14 and 21 at 8:30pm EDT are available to watch for free on Cricbuzz's Willow (, www.cricbuzz.comthe Cricbuzz Appthe Willow appSling Freestream and Fubo TV, giving fans across the country unprecedented access, all for free.

Free Sunday evening match schedule:

  • Sunday July 7th: Los Angeles Knight Riders vs. San Francisco Unicorns at 8:30pm EDT

  • Sunday July 14th: MI New York vs. Texas Super Kings at 8:30pm EDT

  • Sunday July 21st: MI New York vs. Los Angeles Knight Riders at 8:30pm EDT

Riding on the momentum of the US’s unforgettable T20 World Cup run, Major League Cricket is poised for a spectacular future, said Todd Myers, COO of Willow by Cricbuzz. “Our partnerships with regional sports networks provide fans with unprecedented access to watch their favourite World Cup players on local teams, critically weaving the sport into the fabric of local communities. The addition of free Sunday viewing nights also broadens access, fostering a vibrant and growing fan community eager to support their local heroes. This is the beginning of a new chapter in North American cricket, with limitless potential for growth.”

About Willow by Cricbuzz

Willow by Cricbuzz is the premier destination for cricket in the United States and Canada, with the most comprehensive live, streaming and on-demand cricket coverage available. Guided by the mission to make cricket accessible to everyone around the world, Willow by Cricbuzz combines cricket’s rich heritage with innovative broadcasting to deliver an unparalleled viewing experience.

Willow by Cricbuzz is committed to excellence and innovation, bringing cricket fans HD live streaming, interactive scorecards and comprehensive coverage of almost every major cricket association and tournament in the world.

Willow from the Cricbuzzs TV Network is also available on top providers including DISH, Sling, Fios, Spectrum, Xfinity, Optimum, DIRECTV, DIRECTV Stream and FuboTV. A dedicated streaming app is also available on all major CTV devices including Apple TV, Roku, Samsung Smart TVs, Amazon Fire TV, Xbox One, Android TV, Chromecast, Google TV and more, so fans never miss a moment of the action.

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About Cricbuzz

Cricbuzz is the global leader in cricket content, accessible across web, iOS and Android platforms on mobile and connected TV. Cricbuzz offers 360-degree comprehensive cricket coverage, delivering ball-by-ball text commentary, compelling video analysis from the world’s top cricket experts, up-to-the-minute news, match reports, editorial, statistics, rankings and live match streaming across regions. With over 125 million monthly active users globally and over 495 million downloads by January 2024, Cricbuzz is the largest sports app in the world.

Albert Hoop

Bob Goud & Associates

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