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At Windsor Castle, the Pope's cricket team clashes with the King's.


Pope Francis and King Charles send messages ahead of a match between their respective cricket teams.

By Joseph Tulloch – London

On Wednesday, the Vatican cricket team travelled to Windsor Castle, home to King Charles and several members of the royal family.

There they competed against Kings XI, a cricket team made up of members of the royal family.

The match was the highlight of the Vatican's 'Light of Faith' tour of the UK, its tenth overseas trip since its inception in 2014. It also saw the Vatican take on the England senior team and St Marys University.

The Vatican team gathers in prayer before the match

The Vatican team gathers in prayer before the match

An exciting game

In this match, a slow wicket kept the ball low, causing problems for the batsmen on both sides.

Vatican, who opened the batting, lost a couple of quick wickets and had to settle for a final score of 98 for 8.

However, they hit back immediately with some dominant bowling, with Vatican taking three wickets after three overs and restricting their opponents to seven runs.

The Vatican kept up the pressure until, after about twelve overs, it started raining, which caused problems for their bowlers. A strong partnership with six wickets down allowed the Kings XI to pile on the runs.

The eighth and ninth wicket fell in the nineteenth over, and the match was on a knife edge. Finally, in the final over, the Kings XI managed to get over the line, and ended on 99 for 9.

The Match at Windsor Castle

The Match at Windsor Castle

Messages from Pope Francis and King Charles

Before the match, Vatican coach Father Eamonn O'Higgins read a message from Pope Francis.

The Pope conveyed his greetings to both teams and expressed the hope that the event would be an opportunity to build bridges of fraternal solidarity, promote Christian unity and foster generous charitable initiatives.

King Charles had also prepared a message for the occasion. The monarch noted that this was the fourth match between the Vatican and a royal team, and said he was delighted that the two sides had once again been brought together by the love of cricket.

The King noted that the Vatican is the reigning champion, having won the previous competition, and added that he was waiting for him[ing] I'm very curious about the results!

Vatican players visit Windsor Castle before match

Vatican players visit Windsor Castle before match

Sports: Diplomacy in a Divided World

Father O'Higgins also presented a letter and a medal to Sir John Spurling, a British businessman and patron of the Vatican cricket team.

In the letter, written by Cardinal Tolentino de Mendonça, prefect of the Vatican dicastery that oversees the cricket team, he thanked Sir John for his exceptionally generous support.

The cardinal then stressed the importance of the teams' sporting diplomacy in the context of what Pope Francis calls a third world war in stages.

This was a theme also raised by Chris Trott, the British ambassador to the Holy See, in an interview with Vatican News.

He said the match had a great impact on many levels, both political and religious.

Sport builds friendships and overcomes barriers, the ambassador said, and this competition is a great example of that.




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