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Fatimo Bello's Olympic dream comes true: Nigerian table tennis star ready for Paris 2024


Fatimo Bello, a rising star in Nigerian table tennis, has secured her place at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, showing remarkable resilience and determination.

The 27-year-old, who openly declared her Olympic ambitions ahead of the continental qualifiers in Kigali, Rwanda, has now achieved her goal despite a challenging course.

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Before her qualification, Bello faced setbacks, most notably her disappointing performance at the 2023 African Games in Ghana.

Her confidence never wavered, however. Bello, known for her tenacity, has won the National Sports Festival title twice, triumphing in Edo 2021 and Delta 2023.

In Kigali she secured one of the four coveted Olympic starting spots by beating Algeria's Lynda Loghraibi in a deciding match.

Bello’s path to Paris has been one of perseverance. She rose to prominence with a stellar performance at the 2022 ITTF Africa Cup, where her achievements elevated her to the highest-ranked Nigerian female table tennis player in the world.

Although a period of inactivity in 2023 saw her ranking drop, she fought back to secure her Olympic spot.

Bello, who is currently ranked 143rd in the world, reflected on her journey and spoke of her great passion for the sport and the honour of representing Nigeria.

When people started talking about the Olympics, that wasn’t the reason I started playing table tennis in the first place. It was driven by my love for the game and the encouragement of my father and brother, she said.

Even during her struggles at the African Games, Bello never doubted her abilities. Being part of the Nigerian national team is a rare privilege, especially in a country with millions of players.

I knew that by making the team and going to Kigali I would have a chance to qualify for the Olympics, she said.

As she prepares for her Olympic debut, Bello is focused on making a significant impact. She values ​​the support and advice of senior players and is determined to compete fiercely against the best in the world.

I'm not going to the Olympics just to increase the number of participants; I'm going to make an impact, Fatimo Bello stated.

Her journey to the Olympics is an example of resilience and a tireless pursuit of excellence, and she strives to make Nigeria proud on the world stage. Paris 2024

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