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Cricket Day 2024 – University College Oxford


Person talking to a group of people in cricket gear sitting on the steps of a sports pavilionOn 9th June 2024 we held our annual Cricket Day, a battle between the alumni cricket team and our current student team, at the University College Sports Ground.

Richard Guy (Chemistry, 1973) kindly wrote this report.

On a not so June Sunday afternoon, the annual College vs Old Members cricket match provided a competitive spectacle with over 400 runs scored in a thrilling contest of 35 overs per side. The ground was, as always, immaculate and the wicket, considering the amount of rain that had fallen in the previous month(s), was also very good.

The college batted first and it soon became apparent that the OM bowling and fielding (particularly in the absence of the regular captain) would be under pressure to control the run rate. The first 10 overs saw 60+ on the board, but 3 wickets to Ieuan Ellis and excellent pace-off spells from Ben McFarlane, Shomit Dutta and Tom Gibbs, reduced the college to 120-4 after 20 overs. However, the OM's optimism at this point was thwarted by Ayman Ahmad, who used every part of his bat to score an excellent 79 and lead the college to a challenging total of 208-6 at the end of their 35 overs. The OM fielding was of the same high standard as ever, with Nick Smith keeping very clean behind the stumps. Special mention must be made of the latter part of the innings, in which Giles Reynolds bowled superbly. Much of it was directed at his son Sam, the first time since former Master Robin Butler took to the court against his son Andrew in the inaugural match in 1990.

Tea was taken in the presence of the Master who had literally just flown in for the occasion. George Laurence, the senior professional of the OM (Law, 1969), and the founder and ever-present player at the annual cricket match, welcomed the Master and expressed everyone's delight that she was there. In response, Baroness Amos made clear her passion for the game and her determination to be present at future meetings (while not missing the opportunity to mention the Univ 775 fundraiser to the alumni present).

The OM innings began cautiously against the tight bowling of Conrad Hilton and Mahendra Chitrarasu, with just 32 runs from the first 10 overs. At this point Giles Reynolds accelerated dramatically, aided by some excellent running between the wickets with partner Hugo Cox, before falling for an excellent 81 to leave the match nicely in the balance with the OMs at 128-1 with 10 overs remaining. Shomit Dutta, Matt OKane and Will Gore kept the score moving, but the loss of wickets at crucial junctures meant that the 15 required from the last over was a bridge too far. The OM team finished on 201-5, losing by 7 runs.

An excellent game, played in a positive spirit, and was well analysed and lubricated in the pub afterwards. Special thanks to Robbie Eason for all his hard work in getting the game going. I am sure I speak for the entire OM team when I look forward to next year's encounter and a different outcome in the final score!

Published: July 3, 2024

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