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One month to go until a new men's singles champion emerges in Paris


In a month, the South Paris Arena 4 will be buzzing with anticipation as the men's singles table tennis final begins. On the occasion of the 10th participation of table tennis in the Olympic Games, Paris will crown a new champion.

We remember the legends who etched their names into history: Yoo Nam-kyu’s groundbreaking victory in 1988, the first ever Olympic gold medal awarded in men’s table tennis. Jan-Ove Waldner’s artistry in 1992 captivated audiences with his graceful footwork and deceptive touch. The millennium ushered in a period of dominance for China, with Liu Guoliang’s powerful topspin game winning him gold in 1996. Kong Linghui reigned supreme at Sydney 2000. Ryu Seung-min (pictured above) of the Republic of Korea brought a new tactical dimension to the sport, claiming victory at Athens 2004. Ma Lin's aggressive style and powerful forehand took him to gold at Beijing 2008. Finally, Zhang Jike claimed the title at London 2012. Most recently, Ma Long cemented his legacy as the GOAT with back-to-back Golds in 2016 and 2020.

But the torch is passing in Paris. Tokyo 2020 silver medallist Fan Zhendong is looking for redemption. However, the current top favourite, Wang Chuqin, stands in his way. For the Parisian crowd, the story is even more exciting. Their own Felix Lebrun (pictured above), the rising star and third seed, is raising hopes. After a stunning silver medal performance with Team France at the Busan World Championships and a strong showing at the WTT Star Contender Ljubljana, Lebrun could be a serious contender for the podium, perhaps even gold.

One month separates us from witnessing history. Will a new champion rise in Paris, or will an established power retake the throne? The tension is palpable! Now that a new Olympic champion is guaranteed, The road to gold is wide open. Will we get another all-Chinese final? a demonstration of their enduring power? Or will the roar of the Parisian crowd break out like Felix Lebrun, the hometown hero, Will France deliver its first Olympic medal since 2000 and become the first non-Chinese winner since 2004? Mark your calendars and prepare for a thrilling battle for Olympic glory. The men's singles final in Paris promises to be an unforgettable spectacle of craftsmanship, strategy and pure passion.




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