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Meet Emma Navarro, who defeated Naomi Osaka at Wimbledon


Emma Navarro made it look easy on Wednesday afternoon.

The 23-year-old defeated Naomi Osaka in less than an hour in three sets, 6-4, 6-1, on Centre Court to advance to the third round at Wimbledon.

Navarro is ranked 19th in the world and has not lost a set in her two matches in the tournament.

American Emma Navarro takes on Japan's Naomi Osaka in their second round women's singles tennis match. AFP via Getty Images

“That's an atmosphere that could easily overwhelm me or any player, and I just spent a fair amount of time mentally preparing myself for the emotions and the nerves that I was going to feel. Once I got out there, I really felt at home,” Navarro told reporters after beating four-time Grand Slam champion Osaka.

As she enters the third round, The Post digs deeper into Navarro's background as a rising tennis star.

What is Emma Navarro's tennis background?

Navarro, born in New York City in 2001, who said she started playing tennis seriously in the fourth gradewas a highly acclaimed junior tennis player in South Carolina while attending Ashley Hall in Charleston, South Carolina.

Emma Navarro (right) from the United States is congratulated by Naomi Osaka. AP

She made her breakthrough in 2019, winning the junior doubles title at Roland Garros with Chloe Beck and finishing second in the singles tournament.

With all of her success as a junior player, Navarro was ranked the top player in the country by and enrolled at the University of Virginia in the fall of 2020.

Navarro continued her success with the Cavaliers, becoming the 2021 NCAA singles champion, only the second time in program history to do so.

American Emma Navarro celebrates her second round victory over Japan's Naomi Osaka. REUTERS

In 2021, she also won her first WTA main draw match when she defeated Renata Zarazua in straight sets at the Volvo Car Open in Charleston, before qualifying as a wildcard for the US Open.

She concluded her collegiate career as a sophomore during the 2021-22 season as an ITA singles and doubles All-American.

Navarro has continued to grow as a professional, winning her first WTA title in January when she captured the Hobart International title, reached the third round of the Australian Open and finished fourth at Roland Garros.

Who is Emma Navarro's family??

She was born to Kelly and Ben Navarro, who billionaire founder and chief operating officer of the Sherman Financial Group, which operates Credit One.

Emma Navarro, the father of US national team player Ben Navarro, sits in the stands during the second round match against Japan's Naomi Osaka. REUTERS

Ben, who tried to buy the Carolina Panthers in 2018, purchased the 2022 Western & Southern Open tennis tournament in Cincinnati under Beemok Capital.

He is the son of former American football coach Frank Navarro, who studied at Williams College, Columbia, Wabash College and Princeton, among others.

“As a fan, father and entrepreneur, tennis has meant so much to our family,” Ben told The Post and Courier in 2019.

“Junior tennis has provided our kids with a place to learn a work ethic, develop friendships through shared struggles, and learn to deal with disappointment, defeat, and sometimes even injustice.”

Emma Navarro of the United States reacts after defeating Naomi Osaka. AP

What's next for Emma Navarro?

Navarro will face Russian-born Diana Shnaider, a product of NC State, in the third round of Wimbledon on Friday.




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