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Indian cricket team's 'Vijay Yatra' in Mumbai today, traffic police issue route, advice for parade


Indian Cricket Team's Mumbai Victory Parade: Traffic Advisory and Event Details

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  • The Indian cricket team celebrates its T20 World Cup victory with an open bus tour from Nariman Point to Wankhede Stadium, starting at 5:00 PM.
  • Mumbai police have deployed extensive security along Marine Drive to ensure an orderly event and are advising people to use public transport to reduce traffic congestion.
  • Residents were warned of traffic congestion from NCPA to Wankhede Stadium. Therefore, alternative routes were chosen to facilitate smoother traffic flow during the event.
Mumbai: Ahead of the Indian cricket team's 'Vijay Yatra' scheduled for Thursday, Mumbai Police have called on residents to use public transportation to avoid traffic congestion. The team will participate in an open bus road show followed by a congratulatory ceremony at the Wankhede Stadium in South Mumbai.

Victory Parade Details

After their victory in the T20 World CupThe Indian cricket team, led by Rohit Sharma, will celebrate this with a ride in an open bus in Mumbai. This festive event will take place on both Marine propulsion and the iconic Wankhede Stadium from 5pm.

In preparation for the team’s arrival in Mumbai, the police have implemented extensive security measures for the planned roadshow on Thursday evening. The procession will start from Nariman Point and end at Wankhede Stadium between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Considering the expected turnout of enthusiastic cricket fans, the authorities are taking precautions to ensure a safe and orderly event. Police personnel will be strategically deployed along Marine Drive from Nariman Point to Wankhede Stadium.

“We will start the roadshow from Nariman Point with an open bus ride followed by a ceremony to honour and congratulate the players on the announced prize money of Rs 125 crore,” said an official involved in the organisation.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Zone 1, Pravin Munde, shared details about the event. “A victory procession in an open bus will be held from 5 pm to 7 pm on Marine Drive, between Nariman Point and Wankhede Stadium. If you wish to attend the procession, ensure that you are present before 4.30 pm and assemble on the promenade side, not on the road,” Munde said.

Munde also urged people to use public transport to avoid traffic jams. The lap of honour at the Wankhede stadium will start at 7pm. “If you want to be there, make sure you are at the stadium before 6pm,” he added.

Traffic advice

Due to the Indian Cricket Team’s Victory Rally, traffic from NCPA to Wankhede Stadium is expected to be congested between 3pm and 9pm on July 4. Commuters are advised to take alternative routes via Churchgate, MK Road, Metro Junction and Princess Street flyover for northbound travel.

Traffic heading south towards Wankhede Stadium is also expected to experience congestion. Plan your journey accordingly and allow extra travel time.

Police regulations

The police have made elaborate security arrangements for the roadshow, keeping in mind a large number of cricket fans. Adequate police personnel will be deployed along Marine Drive between Nariman Point and Wankhede Stadium to ensure smooth conduct of the event.

With input from news agencies




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