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49 Titans named to Big West Spring Academic All-Conference Team


The BigWest

IRVINE, California

. Cal State Fullerton had a total of 49 student-athletes earn Big West Spring Academic All-Conference honors, the conference announced Wednesday.

The list includes student-athletes from men's and women's baseball, softball, track and field, women's golf, women's volleyball and women's tennis.

To be eligible for Academic All-Conference honors, a student-athlete must have a minimum cumulative institutional grade point average (GPA) of 3.00, have completed a full academic year at the affiliated institution prior to the season for which the award is received, and have participated in at least 50 percent of the institution's competitions in the student-athlete's respective sport.

Big West Spring All-Academic Team:

Baseball (4)

Jesse Alfaro
Max Ortega
Seth Sumner
Colby Wallace

Men's Golf (1)

Russel Howlett

Ladies Golf (5)

Kajsa Landstrom
Gabriel Minier
Davina Green
Katharina Zeilinger
Kaitlyn Zermeno Smith

Softball (13)

Ava Arce
Hannah Becerra
Staci rooms
Megan Delgadillo
Ashleigh Dendas
Leanna Garcia
Hailey Harris
Trisha McCleskey
Colby McClinton
Haley Rainey
Kika Ramirez
Peyton Toto
Bailey Wallace

Women's tennis (4)

Natalie Duffy
Milena Gevorgyan
Maria Nikitash
Kaytlin Taylor

Men's athletics (6)

Justin Singer
Talman Young
Dominicus Gates
Courvosiea Irby
Abel Jordan
Willard Morris

Women's athletics (12)

Mia Bergman
Dylan Beveridge
Tayla Brunger
Teresa Chang
Ashleigh Christy
Jazara Davis
Natalia Delgado
Jicel Fernandez
Alyssa Heinlein
Nanette Novak-Klotz
Isabella Smit
Ashlynn Viramontes

Women's water polo (4)

Brittney Pino
Mikka Von Scherr
Delaney Wilder
Gabrielle Zaretsky


Fans can purchase tickets to various Cal State Fullerton sporting events by visiting The Athletic Ticket Office can also be reached by phone at 657-278-2783 or by email at [email protected]. The Ticket Office is located at the Titan Baseball Ticket Office and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.


Fans can stay up to date with the latest Titan Athletics news by following us on Facebook (Facebook/FullertonTitans), Twitter (@FullertonTitans), and Instagram (@FullertonTitans).


Titans fans can now watch every home game exclusively on ESPN+. Cal State Fullerton has built a top-of-the-line production studio to provide viewers with ESPN-quality production for every game at Titan Stadium. Additionally, all schools in the Big West Conference are committed to producing ESPN-quality streams, allowing fans to watch the Titans on ESPN+ for every conference away game.




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