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23 Wolverines Named to CSCAA Scholar All-America Team


RICHMOND, Va. — The College Swimming and Diving Coaches Association of America on Wednesday (July 3) named 23 University of Michigan male and female swimmers and divers as Scholar All-Americans for the 2023-24 season. Additionally, both programs received CSCAA Scholar All-America team awards.

The women were the ones who led the way Kathryn Ackerman, Malia Amuan, Casey Chung And Brady Kendall who all deserved a place in the first team. Chrismon Clark, Sophia Guo, Evie Johnson, Alex Mercier, Ella Jo Piersma, Taylor Peters, Madison Smith, Mattea Sokolow And Sophia Gardener were named to the second team (also known as an honorable mention).

On the side of the men, I do not deny the Ben-Shitris And Gal Groumi achieved a place in the first team. Jack Callan, Jaeddan Gamilla, Connor Hunt, Matt Kroll, Kameron Liberman, Cameron Luarde, Ethan Schwab And Yugo Tsukikawa were selected for the second team.

To be considered for First Team Scholar All-America, student-athletes must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher and have competed in their national championship. Second Team (also known as Honorable Mention) selections must also have a GPA of 3.50 or higher and have achieved a “B” time standard for their national championship or competed in a diving zone qualifying meet.

Both the UM men and UM women earned CSCAA Scholar All-America honors as a team, with cumulative GPAs of 3.18 and 3.39, respectively. To qualify, teams had to achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 during the spring semester.

Michigan's CSCAA Scholar All Americans

Women (First Team)
Kathryn AckermanBiomedical engineering
Malia AmuanStatistics
Casey ChungBiopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience
Brady KendallPharmaceutical Sciences

Women (Second Team)
Chrismon ClarkPolitical Sciences
Sophia GuoUnexplained
Evie JohnsonInternational studies
Alex MercierArchitecture
Ella Jo PiersmaBusiness Management
Taylor PetersBiopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience
Madison SmithMovement science
Mattea SokolowUnexplained
Sophia GardenerComputer technology

Men (First Team)
I do not deny the Ben-ShitrisComputer technology
Gal GroumiStatistics

Men (Second Team)
Jack CallanSports management
Jaeddan GamillaComputer technology
Connor HuntBusiness Management
Matt KrollAerospace engineering
Kameron LibermanNeuroscience
Cameron LuardeBiology
Ethan SchwabUnexplained
Yugo TsukikawaEconomy

CSCAA Release




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