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Wimbledon Predictions: Free Tennis Tips for Day 4


Wimbledon Predictions & Best Bets for Day 4 – July 4:

The short grass season is almost over, and it’s time for Wimbledon. I’ve done some pre-tournament analysis of the draws for both the men’s and women’s events. But now it’s time to look at Day 4 of action at the All England Club, which takes place on Thursday, July 4th. Keep reading for some of my top picks for a day that will see stars like Novak Djokovic and Iga Swiatek in action.

I tend to have a lot more tennis predictions on the Pro Picks page. I occasionally add a few picks throughout the day, as schedules can get a bit weird due to the international nature of the sport. I also like to see how the odds are developing. That said, keep checking that page every few hours if you want more of my picks. I will also post plays for smaller tournaments on that page.

MORE: Check out our Pro Picks page for everything our experts are betting on!

2024 record: 458-467 (+25.81 units)

Katerina Siniakova vs. Julia Putintseva

It’s no secret that I really like Siniakova’s game on grass. I’ve been supporting her quite a bit over the last few weeks and I’ve been throwing a little dart at her to reach the final of this event. Siniakova is simply a very good player on this court, where her doubles background really shines through. Siniakova is a player with real finishing power, as she plays an aggressive game from the baseline and also likes to play at the net. Siniakova is also extremely mobile along the baseline. That said, it was an easy decision for me to take her against Putintseva. I know Putintseva has won a grass tournament this season, but this is not a surface that players like her tend to succeed on. So while Putintseva was able to take advantage of lesser players in Birmingham, I don’t see that happening against Siniakova. Putintseva is a counter-puncher who will fight to the end of every point. But I don’t think that will be enough against Siniakova. And I expect Siniakova's comeback will be of great importance here.

Bat: Sinyakova ML (-125 – 1.5 units)

Emil Ruusuvuori vs Stefanos Tsitsipas

There is really no reason why Tsitsipas wouldn’t be good on grass. The world number 11 has one of the best serves in the world and he is mobile for a player who holds as easily as he does. Furthermore, Tsitsipas has one of the best forehands on the ATP Tour. With that in mind, he should be able to intimidate opponents like Matteo Berrettini does. However, something hasn’t worked out for Tsitsipas on this surface. He has only 22-17 on grass in his career and his serve isn’t the weapon it should be. With that in mind, I find it hard to believe that Tsitsipas will beat Ruusuvuori in straight sets. But I also have faith that the Greek star will win one himself. So I’ll play the Over on the 3.5-set total in this match.

It's just hard to ignore the fact that Tsitsipas had a pretty tough time against Taro Daniel in the previous round. Tsitsipas went on to win 7-6 (5), 6-4, 7-5 in that match, but Ruusuvuori should be able to capitalize on opportunities that Daniel couldn't. Ruusuvuori is a player with a lot of baseline power and overall talent. He'll look like he belongs on the court with Tsitsipas, and that should result in a match that goes four or five sets.

Bet: More than 3.5 sets (-120 – 1.5 units)

Cameron Norrie vs. Jack Draper

I took Facundo Diaz Acosta to play 8.5 games against Norrie in the previous round, but that was more because of the absurd game spread. Norrie is still a player I am generally very enthusiastic about, and that is especially true in a match like this. Norrie goes onto the field with a real lead here, because he is a big underdog against a younger player from his own country. That should not sit well with Norrie, even though Draper is a huge talent.

Draper also comes into this match after a fairly long grass season, and he also played a five-set match in the opening round. For a player with a history of fitness issues, that is somewhat alarming, given the match could easily go the distance. If this is decided late in the fourth set, or in a deciding fifth set, will Draper have the legs to do the job? Norrie is going to force Draper to play a lot of extra balls to at least ask him that question.

Norrie is also 2-0 against Draper at ATP level, with both wins in straight sets. So I'll take the games here and also throw the moneyline. This is a nightmare of a draw for Draper.

Bet: Norrie +4.5 Games (-116 – 1.5 units) + Norrie ML (+235 – 0.5 units)

Marcos Giron vs Alexander Zverev

Like Tsitsipas, Zverev is a player who should be dangerous on grass, but the results haven't been there. Zverev is just 13-7 at Wimbledon in his career, and his winning percentage on grass is the lowest he has on any surface. Zverev is still one of the biggest servers in the world, and he does have the ability to get low and dig out some of the low-bouncing shots on these courts. But he's definitely not as comfortable on grass as he is elsewhere, and I think Giron should be able to give him a good match here.

Giron may be a smaller player, but he has a pretty big game. He hits some powerful, flat shots, which allows him to play fast tennis. But he is also a pretty solid defensive player, as he can recover a lot of balls, but can also hit winners from the forehand when he runs. And the best thing about Giron on grass is that the surface makes him a bit more dangerous as a server. That should give him the opportunity to play with Zverev.

It’s also worth noting that Giron took a set from Zverev when they met at the 2021 Australian Open, a match played on the fastest hard courts imaginable. So I’m playing Giron to take a set at Wimbledon. The American is 5-3 on grass this season, with two of those losses coming in the form of nail-biters against Draper and Hubert Hurkacz. There’s nothing wrong with that. Giron should go into this match with some confidence.

Bet: Giron +2.5 sets (-123 – 1.5 units)

Added plays

I usually have a LOT MORE on the Pro Picks page. Those plays count toward my record and are a huge part of my success this season. Make sure you check them out. I'll probably add a few more, so refresh that page throughout the day if you're looking for action.

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