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Dynasty Fantasy Football Running Back Rankings: Buy Now on James Cook and Zamir White



As we slowly move towards the start of training camp, there are manyFantasy footballplayers are just starting to wake up from their slumber. Now, I know if you read my Dynasty content during the offseason, you never went into hibernation… just like you know half your league did. So when they wake up, it's a good time to try to include them in trade conversations. With that in mind, I'm sharing some of my favorite Dynasty signings as we head into the preseason. There can be a number of things that make a player a Dynasty signing. For a contender, it's simply someone who can help you win a ring this season, what else matters? For others, it could be a player who I expect to increase his value dramatically this season, or just someone the industry simply overestimates. The best signings fit into multiple categories.

One thing that is different about the running back position is that I would only advise teams that are competing to acquire running backs. That’s different than saying that only contenders should draft running backs. That’s because low-end backup running backs are one of the quickest ways to make a profit in Dynasty. For example, I picked up Zamir White off the waiver wire in one league last year. He’s now a consensus top-30 running back in Dynasty leagues. At the very least, you can now convert that free-agent acquisition into a rookie pick in Round 2. On the other hand, White is one of two backs I’m actively trying to acquire where I’m in contention.

The 24-year-old is the presumptive starter in Las Vegas this year, with only Alexander Mattison and rookie Dylan Laube as competitors. While we don't expect the Raiders to be a powerhouse offense, we do expect them to run the ball a lot under Antonio Pierce, and we saw what White's role might look like after Josh Jacobs was injured last year. From Week 15 through the end of the season, White was the No. 9 running back in Fantasy and tied for the most rushing attempts with 84. This year, we expect him to be a solid RB2, easily worth a 2025 second-round pick for a contender.

You can find my complete Dynasty trading chart for both 1QB and Superflex leagues at Sports line.

I had Ryan McDowell on Fantasy Football Today Dynasty to talk about Dynasty signings this week. Check it out:

My other favorite acquisition is more expensive, but I honestly believe James Cook will be a top-four running back in 2024. Like White, a coaching change led to a higher workload for Cook in 2023, but the sample size is much larger. Including the playoffs, Cook played nine games with Joe Brady as the reliever. He averaged 17 rushing attempts and 3.9 targets per game in those nine games. His 17-game pace was 289 rushing attempts and 66 targets. Derrick Henry led all running backs with 280 carries in 2023, and only 11 backs had more than 66 targets. In other words, Cook could be one of the few true workhorses in Fantasy football this season. Like White, he is only 24 years old, but unlike White, he is in an attack that is among the best in the NFLIf he finally scores more than two rushing touchdowns, and I expect that to happen, Cook could be a league-winning running back in 2024.

Here are my updated Dynasty running back rankings:




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