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Olympic tennis team nominations announced: Swiatek, Gauff top singles


The International Tennis Federation has announced the full team nominations for the singles and doubles events at the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The Olympic tennis event will be played on clay outdoors at Roland Garros.

Everything you need to know about the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

World No. 1 and reigning French Open champion Iga Swiatek and No. 2 Coco Gauff will headline the singles tournament, which features eight of the top 10 in the PIF WTA rankings.

Led by Gauff and No. 5 Jessica Pegula, the United States is the only country with two Top 10 singles players on its women's team. Poland and Italy are the only countries with a Top 10 player in both the PIF WTA Rankings and the PIF ATP Rankings.

In doubles, Barbora Krejcikova and Katerina Siniakova will reunite for the Czech Republic. The pair won Olympic gold in Rio and became the most dominant team on the Hologic WTA Tour after completing the Career Golden Slam and winning the 2022 WTA Finals. They will end their regular partnership at the end of the 2023 season. Marketa Vondrousova, a silver medalist in Tokyo and a 2019 French Open finalist, will lead the Czech Republic's singles team.

A total of 41 nations will be represented at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games tennis tournament, with 184 players competing in five events (men's and women's singles and doubles, plus mixed doubles). Entry for singles will be based on a player's PIF WTA ranking as of June 10. A maximum of four singles players and two doubles teams per nation will be allowed to enter, with a maximum of six players per gender.

Full team nominations for singles and doubles below. Entries for the 16-team mixed doubles event will be determined on Wednesday, July 24. Only players already entered for singles or doubles may form a mixed doubles team.


Women's Singles: Nadia Podoroska, Maria Lourdes Carle (ITF seed)

Women's Doubles: Nadia Podoroska /Maria Lourdes Carle

Men's Singles: Sebastian Baez, Francisco Cerundulo, Mariano Navone, Tomas Martin Etcheverry

Men's Doubles: Francisco Cerundulo /Tomas Martin Etcheverry, Maximo Gonzaelz /Andres Molteni


Women's Singles: Ajla Tomljanovic

Women's Doubles: Ajla Tomljanovic/Olivia Gadecki, Ellen Perez/Daria Saville

Men's Singles: Alex De Minaur, Alexei Popyrin, Rinky Hijikata

Men's Doubles: Alex De Minaur/Alexei Popyrin, Matthew Ebden/John Peers


Women's Singles: Julia Grabher

Men's Singles: Sebastian Ofner


Men's Singles: Zizou Bergs

Men's Doubles: Joran Vliegen/Sander Gilles


Women's Singles: Beatriz Haddad Maia, Laura Pigossi (ITF Place)

Women's Doubles: Beatriz Haddad Maia/Luis Stefani

Men's Singles: Thiago Seyboth Wild, Thiago Monteiro (ITF seed)

Men's Doubles: Thiago Seyboth Wild/Thiago Monteiro


Women's Singles: Viktoriya Tomova


Women's Singles: Bianca Andreescu, Leylah Fernandez

Women's Doubles: Leylah Fernandez/Gabriela Dabrowski

Men's Singles: Felix Auger-Aliassime, Milos Raonic

Men's Doubles: Felix Auger-Aiassime/Milos Raonic


Men's Singles: Nicolas Jarry, Alejandro Tabilo, Marcelo Tomas Barrios Verar (ITF seed)

Men's Doubles: Nicolas Jarry/Alejandro Tabilo


Women's Singles: Qinwen Zheng (ITF seed), Yue Yuan, Xinyu Wang, Xiyu Wang

Women's Doubles: Yue Yuan/Shuai Zhang, Xinyu Wang/Saisai Zheng

Men's Singles: Zhizhen Zhang (ITF seed)

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Chinese Taipei

Women's Doubles: Su-Wei Hsieh/Chia Yi Tsao, Hao-Ching Chan/Latisha Chan


Women's Singles: Camila Osorio


Women's Singles: Donna Vekic, Petra Martic

Men's Doubles: Nikola Mektic/Mate Pavic

Czech Republic

Women's Singles: Marketa Vondrousova, Karolina Muchova, Barbora Krejcikova, Linda Noskova

Women's Doubles: Marketa Vondrousova/Karolina Muchova, Barbora Krejcikova/Katerina Siniakova

Men's Singles: Tomas Machac, Jakob Mensik

Men's Doubles: Tomas Machac/Adam Pavlysek


Women's Singles: Clara Tauson, Caroline Wozniacki

Men's Singles: Holger Rune


Women's Singles: Mayar Sherif (ITF Place)


Women's Singles: Caroline Garcia, Clara Burel, Diane Parry, Varvara Gracheva

Women's Doubles: Caroline Garcia/Diane Parry, Clara Burel/Varvara Gracheva

Men's Singles: Ugo Umbert, Gael Monfils, Arthur Fils, Corentin Moutet

Men's Doubles: Ugao Humbert/Arthur Fils, Edouard Roger-Vasselin/Fabien Reboul

Clive Brunskill/Getty Images


Women's singles: Angelique Kerber, Tatjana Maria, Tamara Korpatsch, Laura Siegemund

Women's doubles: Angelique Kerber/Laura Siegemund, Tatjana Maria/Tamara Korpatsch

Men's Singles: Alexander Zvereva, Jan-Lennard Struff, Dominik Koepfer

Men's Doubles: Jan-Lennard Struff/Dominik Koepfer, Kevin Krawietz/Tim Puetz

Great Britain

Women's Singles: Katie Boulter

Women's Doubles: Katie Boulter/Heather Watson

Men's Singles: Cameron Norrie, Jack Draper, Daniel Evans, Andy Murray (ITF seed)

Men's Doubles: Daniel Evans/Andy Murray, Joe Salisbury/Neal Skupski


Women's Singles: Maria Sakkari

Women's Doubles: Maria Sakkari/Despina Papamichail

Men's Singles: Stefanos Tsitsipas

Men's Doubles: Stefanos Tsitsipas/Petros Tsitsipas


Men's Singles: Fabian Maroszan, Marton Fucsovics

Men's Doubles: Fabian Maroszan/Marton Fucsovics


Men's Singles: Sumit Nagal

Men's Doubles: Rohan Bopanna/Nsriram Balaji

Individual neutral athletes

Women's Singles: Ekaterina Alexandrova, Mirra Andreeva, Diana Shnaider

Women's Doubles: Ekaterina Alexandrova/Elena Vesnina (AIN TBC), Mirra Andreeva/Diana Shnaider

Men's Singles: Daniil Medvedev, Roman Safiullin, Pavel Kotov

Men's Doubles: Daniil Medvedev/Roman Safiullin


Women's Singles: Jasmine Paolini, Elisabetta Cocciaretto, Lucia Bronzetti

Women's Doubles: Jasmine Paolini/Sara Errani, Elisabetta Cocciaretto/Lucia Bronzetti

Men's singles: Jannik Sinner, Lorenzo Musetti, Matteo Arnaldi

Men's doubles: Jannik Sinner/Lorenzo Musetti, Andrea Vavassori/Simone Bolelli


Women's Singles: Naomi Osaka, Moyuka Uchijima

Women's Doubles: Ena Shibahara/Shuko Aoyama

Men's Singles: Kei Nishikori, Taro Daniel


Women's Singles: Elena Rybakina, Yulia Putintseva

Men's Singles: Alexander Bublik, Alexander Shevchenko

Men's Doubles: Alexander Bublik/Aleksandr Nedoyesov

Korean Republic

Men's Singles: Soonwoo Kwon


Women's Singles: Jelena Ostapenko


Men's Singles: Benjamin Hassan (Universality Place)

Men's Doubles: Benjamin Hassan/Hady Habib


Women's singles: Danka Kovinic (Universality place)

The Netherlands

Women's Singles: Arantxa Rus

Women's Doubles: Arantza Rus/Demi Schuurs

Men's Singles: Tallon Griekspoor

Men's Doubles: Tallon Griekspoor/Wesley Koolhof, Jean-Julien Rojer /Robin Haase

New Zealand

Women's Doubles: Erin Routliffe /Lulu Sun


Men's singles: Casper Ruud


Women's singles: Iga Swiatek, Magda Linette, Magdalena Frech

Women's Singles: Magda Linette/Alicja Rosolska

Men's Singles: Hubert Hurkacz

Men's Doubles: Hubert Hurkacz/Jan Zielinski

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Men's Singles: Nuno Borges

Men's Doubles: Nuno Borges/Francisco Cabral


Women's Singles: Ana Bogdan, Irina-Camelia Begu, Jaqueline Cristian

Women's Doubles: Ana Bogdan/Jaqueline Cristian, Irina-Camelia Begu/Monica Niculescu


Men's Singles: Novak Djokovic, Dusan Lajovic


Women's Singles: Anna Karolina Schmiedlova

Clive Brunskill/Getty Images


Women's Singles: Sara Sorribes Tormo, Cristina Bucsa

Women's Singles: Sara Sorribes Tormo/Cristina Bucsa

Men's Singles: Carlos Alcaraz, Rafael Nadal, Pablo Carreno Busta, Alejandro Davidovich Fokina

Men's Doubles: Carlos Alcaraz/Rafael Nadal, Pablo Carreno Busta/Marcel Granollers


Women's Singles: Viktorija Golubic

Men's Singles: Stan Wawrinka


Men's Singles: Moez Echargui (ITF place)


Women's Singles: Marta Kostyuk, Elina Svitolina, Dayana Yastremska, Anhelina Kalinina

Women's Doubles: Marta Kostyuk/Dayana Yastremska, Lyudmyla Kichenok/Nadiia Kichenok

Pegula/Gauff's remarkable set point save brings crowd to their feet

United States

Women's Singles: Coco Gauff, Jessica Pegula, Danielle Collins, Emma Navarro

Women's Doubles: Coco Gauff/Jessica Pegula, Danielle Collins/Desirae Krawczyk

Men's Singles: Taylor Fritz, Tommy Paul, Chris Eubanks, Marcos Giron

Men's Doubles: Taylor Fritz/Tommy Paul, Rajeev Ram/Austin Krajicek




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