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Sunday is Duke's Takeover on ACC Network


CHARLOTTE, NC The ACC Network will spotlight Duke on Sunday, July 7, with 24 hours of programming dedicated to great Blue Devil games and moments from the past year. The Duke Takeover kicks off at 12 a.m. Sunday and features 11 of the Blue Devils’ best games that aired on the ACC Network and the ESPN family of networks during the 2023-24 season.

Below is the Duke programming schedule for Sunday on ACC Network:
12:00am – Women's Volleyball vs. North Carolina
2:00am – Men's Soccer vs. Syracuse
4:00am – Women's Lacrosse vs. Louisville
6:00am – Women's Soccer vs. Wisconsin
8:00am – Men's Lacrosse vs. Virginia
10:00am – Women's Basketball vs. North Carolina
12:00pm – Field Hockey vs. Louisville (ACC Championship Semifinal)
1:30pm – Baseball vs. Florida State (ACC Championship Game)
4:30pm – Softball vs. Florida State (ACC Championship Game)
7:00pm – Football vs. Clemson
10:00pm – Men's Basketball vs. Baylor

Women's Volleyball – Duke vs. North Carolina (October 25, 2023)

Duke earned its first victory over the Tar Heels in Durham since Nov. 24, 2017, a 3-1 win over North Carolina at Cameron Indoor Stadium. Gracie Johnson and Kerry Keefe combined for 31 kills to lead the offensive unit as Duke hit .318 percent for the match, while Jess Robinson led the steady blocking with 10 blocks, which tied her career high.

Men's Soccer – Duke vs. Syracuse (September 29, 2023)

No. 21 Duke defeated seventh-ranked and reigning national champion Syracuse 5-3 at Koskinen Stadium, giving the Blue Devils their fourth straight regular-season win against a top-10 team. Duke was led by Nick Pariano, who recorded the first multi-goal game of his career.

Women's Lacrosse – Duke vs. Louisville (April 12, 2024)

No. 25 Duke posted a 14-11 win over Louisville at Koskinen Stadium to give head coach Kerstin Kimel her 350th career victory. The Blue Devils were led offensively by Olivia Carner and Maddie McCorkle with six and five points, respectively, with Carner scoring four goals and two dimes. McCorkle's five goals tied her career high in goals and points, while Kerry Nease and Reese Woodworth each scored seven draw controls to give Duke a 21-8 lead.

Women's Soccer – Duke vs. Wisconsin (August 27, 2023)

Grace Watkins and Kat Rader both scored to help No. 4 Duke get past Wisconsin, 2-1, at Koskinen Stadium. Wisconsin had not allowed a goal in its first three games before Duke scored two in the win.

Men's Lacrosse – Duke vs. Virginia (April 14, 2024)

Duke's forward trio of Josh Zawada, Brennan O'Neill and Dyson Williams combined for 12 goals and rookie goalie Patrick Jameison saved 13 shots to lead the third-ranked Blue Devils to a thrilling 18-12 victory over No. 2 Virginia at a sold-out Koskinen Stadium. Zawada finished the afternoon with a game-high five goals and an assist, while O'Neill contributed four goals and an assist.

Women's Basketball – Duke vs. North Carolina (February 11, 2024)

Duke freshman Delaney Thomas scored a career-high 19 points and grabbed seven rebounds to lead the Blue Devils to a thrilling 68-60 overtime victory over North Carolina in front of a sold-out crowd at Cameron Indoor Stadium. Duke outscored North Carolina 34-14 in the final 15 minutes to triumph over their rival.

Field Hockey – Duke vs. Louisville (November 1, 2023)

Duke senior goalie Piper Hampsch saved six shots and Hannah Miller scored a goal to lead the third-ranked Blue Devils to a thrilling 1-0 victory over No. 10 Louisville in the semifinals of the ACC Field Hockey Championship. The victory propelled Duke to the ACC Tournament final for the fourth time in program history and the first time since 2011.

Baseball – Duke vs. Florida State (May 26, 2024)

Duke captured the ACC Baseball Championship for the second time in program history with a 16-4 victory over Florida State in Charlotte. Devin Obee finished 2-for-4 with a huge grand slam in the seventh inning to earn 2024 ACC Tournament MVP honors, while Ben Miller belted two home runs against the Seminoles.

Softball – Duke vs. Florida State (May 11, 2024)

Duke claimed the ACC Softball Championship title for the second time in program history after defeating second-seeded Florida State, 6-3, before a sold-out crowd at Duke Softball Stadium. Ana Gold registered a pair of RBIs, knocking in the tying run in the sixth inning, while Cassidy Curd worked 4.0 scoreless innings of relief, retiring three batters to earn the victory.

Football — Duke vs. Clemson (September 4, 2023)

Duke went on a 22-0 run in the second half to hand the Tigers a 28-7 defeat in a Labor Day Night prime-time game in Durham. The Blue Devils feasted on three second-half turnovers from the Tigers to claim the program's first victory over an AP top-10 team since 1989 and snapped Clemson's 12-game winning streak in ACC play.

Men's Basketball – Duke vs. Baylor (December 20, 2023)

All five starters scored in double figures for No. 21 Duke and the Blue Devils used a late 14-1 run to secure a 78-70 victory over No. 10 Baylor at Madison Square Garden. Freshman Jared McCain scored a game-high 21 points to lead the Blue Devils to their seventh straight win at MSG and their first top-10 win since November 2021.

About ACC Network

Owned and operated by ESPN in partnership with the Atlantic Coast Conference, ACC Network (ACCN) and its digital platform ACCNX is a 24/7 national network dedicated to ACC sports that launched on August 22, 2019. ACCN airs more than 500 regular season and tournament games from the conference’s 28 sponsored sports, plus a complement of news and information programming and original programming. Together, ACCN and its digital platform, ACCNX, combine to deliver more than 1,500 ACC events each year. ESPN has aired ACC content since 1979 and has exclusive rights to every conference-controlled game across all sports and championships, with limited exceptions. All ACCN games are also available on the ESPN app with TV Everywhere credentials.

Duke's Centenary

In 2024, Duke will celebrate its Centennial, marking 100 years since Trinity College became Duke University. Duke will use this historic milestone to deepen understanding of its history, inspire pride, and strengthen bonds and partnerships, and prepare for a second century of continued excellence and impactful leadership. For more information, visit





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