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Gloucestershire vs Glamorgan scorecard, James Bracey catches last ball, video, highlights, records, County Championship


The dramatic County Championship match between Gloucestershire and Glamorgan ended in a draw after a stunning one-handed catch from gloveless wicketkeeper James Bracey on the final ball of the match.

Glamorgan No. 11 Jamie McIlroy needed one more run from the final ball of the fourth day to complete a record chase of 593 runs at Cheltenham's College Ground. He edged the ball from Gloucestershire seamer Ajeet Singh Dale to Bracey, who had removed his right glove in preparation for a possible run-out.

The wicketkeeper, who was on the wrong foot, completed the historic equaliser by clearing the Dukes' flying ball with an outstretched arm, leading to scenes of chaos at the suburban stadium.

It was the first County Championship draw for six years. Glamorgan's 592 all out was the highest fourth innings score in a top-flight match since 1949.

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“I'm honestly very disappointed. We probably should have won the game, but if things go well, we'll probably look at it as eight points won in the last game instead of eight points lost,” Bracey said. BBC Bristol Sport.

Let's look at it as something positive. There is still a long way to go in the campaign, so we are aiming for the first two spots.

(After the first innings) you wouldn't have expected it to go down to the last ball with a chase of almost 600, so it's quite remarkable on all fronts.

You would probably say that eight points per person is very fair.

Highest team scores in the fourth innings in first-class cricket

5-654 England vs South Africa at Durban, 1939

604 Maharashtra vs Bombay at Pune, 1949

592 Glamorgan vs Gloucestershire at Cheltenham, 2024

8-576 Trinidad vs Barbados at Port of Spain, 1946

572 New South Wales vs. South Australia at Sydney, 1907

Glamorgan, who started the day at 3-222, levelled the score with the penultimate ball of the match when Mason Crane (43 not out) hit Singh Dale at square leg for a single, allowing McIlroy to score on the final ball.

The Welsh county failed miserably to achieve the highest successful run chase in First Class history, with West Zones 536 against South Zone in 2010.

Earlier on Wednesday, Glamorgan captain Sam Northeast scored 187 runs and Australian batsman Marnus Labuschagne 119 to take the visitors close to the record.

Bracey finished the match with ten catches, equalling Gloucestershire's first-class record, while Singh Dale took 3-124 from his 29 overs.

The boys are pretty down after coming so close but what an extraordinary game of cricket, it's special to be a part of and a great advert for the County Championship, Northeast said BBC Sport Wales.

There were so many incredible performances throughout the week, it came down to the last over and a great battle, although it's a shame we couldn't come away with the win. Everyone is just emotionally exhausted.

We had gone so far in our attempts to get the ball that we had to go for it when we were nine wickets down, and it was almost an unbelievable victory.




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