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Britain's top Wimbledon players stick to tennis on UK election day


LONDON Some of Britain's top tennis players avoid election talks as if they were double faults Wimbledon.

Polling stations open The UK's first national election in almost five years takes place on Thursday morning, but Britain's rising stars are sticking to tennis at the All England Club.

Jack Draper says he has no interest in politics. Katie Boulter won't talk about it. A laughing Emma Raducanu claimed on the night before the election that she didn't even know it was tomorrow.

The 22-year-old Draper, Britain's top-ranked singles player, gave a one-word answer: No when asked if he was interested in politics.

In a big day for british players On Thursday, Draper faces Cameron Norrie in a runoff. He had no intention of following any election coverage.

“I mean, it's a crazy busy time for us tennis players. There's not much TV watching. There's not much time to think about it,” he said Tuesday. “It's obviously very important, so we'll see.”

Boulter, Britain's top female singles player, has dismissed a number of questions about the election.

“To be honest, I'm here to focus on tennis. I don't necessarily know what the correlation is between the two,” she said at a pre-tournament press conference on Saturday. “Of course it's a huge moment for our country, but I'll cross that bridge later, away from the tennis courts.”

On Tuesday, the 27-year-old Boulter responded in a similar manner when asked whether she would vote ahead of her match against fellow Australian Harriet Dart on Thursday.

Hundreds of thousands of people had cast their vote by mail before in-person voting began Thursday. Polling stations close at 10 p.m. (21:00 GMT) on Thursday night.

Raducanu is now 21 years old and was not allowed to vote in the 2019 national elections.

The 2021 US Open champion was asked about the election at her press conference after beating Elise Mertens 6-1, 6-2 on Wednesday. She was asked if she would try to vote in the morning and if she would follow the election into the evening.

The transcript of her response said she smiled as she replied, “No. I think I'll just sleep in and come to practice. I honestly didn't even know it was tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know.”

At a pre-tournament press conference on Saturday, she indicated she was aware of the election but did not give an opinion on it.

I've been living under a rock the last few weeks, she said. I've just been focusing on my tennis. I haven't really had time to do much else. I've put all my energy into that. Yes, the elections are going on. And the European Championships too. I think that's a lot of fun and brings everyone together. I'll follow that tomorrow afternoon.

Andy Murray, a two-time Wimbledon champion who will take the court in doubles on Thursday, drew criticism in 2014 when he said his support for Scottish independence just hours before the polls opened. That referendum failed.

British player Liam Broady, who has always been outspoken on political issues, said he voted by post. He is from Stockport, just outside Manchester.

“I don't think there are many players who are as politically oriented as I am, or if they are, they keep their cards close to their chest,” Broady, 30, told The Associated Press. “It's not something I hear talked about very often, to be honest, which I think is a good thing. The players just treat each other like players, and that's it.

The Conservative Party has been in power since 2010 and the Labour Party is expected to win on Thursday.

It’s very similar to how it is in the US now: you’re picking the best out of a bad bunch, Broady said. I think that’s why a lot of my own generation and people younger than me have become a little bit disillusioned with politics. It feels like everyone’s the same now, things don’t really change.

In the UK, there is a two-party problem at the moment, and with the Labour Party so central, it doesn't seem like there are many different options.

AP tennis:




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