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Michigan Football's Rod Moore embraces his new role on defense


It was news that sent shockwaves through Michigan football fans, and it’s something you never want to hear. Michigan football star defensive end Rod Moore tore his ACL during spring training in March, an injury that normally takes 9-12 months to fully recover from. It was a huge blow to a defensive unit that is expected to be one of the best in the country. With the injury effectively ending Moore’s senior season before it even started, Michigan was tasked with figuring out how to replace such a key part of the secondary going forward.

While Michigan’s coaching staff has done a great job of utilizing the transfer portal to compensate for the loss of Moore, the reality is that it’s nearly impossible to replace a guy who has become one of the top leaders on the roster, and a guy who has proven repeatedly that he can make big plays in big moments. With Moore no longer able to compete on the field, his efforts have now shifted to more of a coaching role on Michigan’s defense.

Rod Moore

Jan 1, 2024; Pasadena, CA, USA; Alabama Crimson Tide wide receiver Kendrick Law (19) fails to make a catch against Michigan Wolverines defensive back Rod Moore (9) in the second quarter of the 2024 Rose Bowl college football playoff semi-final at Rose Bowl. Mandatory Credit: Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports / Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports

During a recent appearance on the 'In the trenches' podcast, defensive line coach LaMar Morgan explained how Moore is making that transition as he works toward a full recovery from his injury.

“These transfers that we have here, they are excited to hear how Will, Makari, Rod – I mean, Rod will be a coach for the time being “until he comes back,” Morgan said.

“I think we just have to keep the guy motivated, keep him around, have him in our office all the time, ask him questions about game plans. He's going to have a meeting with the new [defensive] transfers. I haven’t met anyone who’s been injured and is willing to come out here and meet with players, and they might not be able to play the first half of the season. That kid and his family have done a great job with him to do that. It takes a special person to do that. I mean, he hurt his leg and the next day he was sitting in the front row of our meeting. I’ve never seen that in my career. I know I haven’t been a coach in 40 years, but it’s just crazy how he’s wired. He’s got a smile on his face, he’s out there working, running on the treadmill, working on all these different things.”

There's no doubt that having Rod Moore in any capacity is a good thing for the Michigan football program, but Morgan acknowledges it will take a group effort to offset his impact on the football field.

“It's going to be a group effort to replace Rod Moore. I'd be naive to say that just one player can replace him. But I do think that when you look at who we've brought in at safety, along with Q (Quinten Johnson) and B-Hill (Brandyn Hillman) and Zeke (Berry), and all those guys… and Kody (Jones), all those guys that we have there. We try to bring in guys that have played a lot, because I think experience matters. Even if it's a limited role, at least you have experience. You know what you're going to get. But if we replace Rod, I don't know if he's replaceable.”

While the injury timeline suggests it's highly unlikely Moore will return to the field until 2024, there appears to be some hope that he could possibly return this season — along with some reports that his rehab is ahead of schedule. In April, head coach Sherrone Moore said he was hopeful his star safety could still return in 2024.

I guess we'll see what it is, Sherrone said. I'm not a doctor. I've been asked how soon that is and what that process is, but I hope, I hope (he can come back).




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