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Tennis fans queue up to say goodbye to Andy Murray, but cheer on new British stars | London


Thursday marks a changing of the guard. For many, this may mean the election of a new prime minister, but at Wimbledon, tens of thousands of people queued for a chance to bid farewell to Andy Murray and cheer on the next generation of British tennis stars.

Murray will join his older brother Jamie in the men's doubles this week in his final Wimbledon appearance. There had been hopes he would play in the singles event at the tournament, but he withdrew on Tuesday after failing to recover sufficiently from back surgery he underwent 12 days ago.

Stephen Young joined the line at 5am. Photo: Sammy Gecsoyler/The Guardian

On Thursday morning, just after the gates to the grounds opened at 10:00, there were about 12,000 people in line for tickets. Many were there to see Murray play his first doubles match on Thursday afternoon. By noon, people were were advised not to travel to the site to avoid disappointment.

Stephen Young, 50, was among those eager to see Murray's Wimbledon swansong. He's my No. 1, he always will be, he said, after queuing at 5am.

He had travelled from Glasgow to London with his wife and daughter for the tournament. On Wednesday, his daughter was in the queue early to get tickets. On Thursday, the family was back to watch Murray play in his last Wimbledon.

“It's sad but at the same time he's had a great career, we're very proud of him, the whole of Scotland is,” Young said. “It's a shame that just when he was at the peak of his powers the injuries started. I'm sure he's devastated but what a career he's had.

Murray's retirement comes as history is being made elsewhere at the tournament. Jack Draper, the new British men's No. 1, takes on No. 2 Cameron Norrie, while the women's No. 1, Katie Boulter, takes on No. 2 Harriet Dart. This is the first time that the British No. 1 and No. 2 in both the men's and women's rankings have faced each other at Wimbledon.

Young wants Draper to succeed. He's doing a great job. I hope he dethrones Murray. I think he's the next great Briton. I hope he does well today, he said.

John and Caroline Atkinson, 58, were optimistic about Britain's chances this year. It's amazing. Normally on a Thursday there aren't many Britons left, but today there are plenty. We're really excited to see them, John said.

On the women's side it's been brilliant. I think the men have been a little bit disappointing this year, he added. While it would be good to have a Briton get through to the next round, it's disappointing to have one knocked out.

Nijla Mingo and Emeka Ezugwu visit London from New York. Photo: Sammy Gecsoyler/The Guardian

The couple are also feeling the Murray fever. The whole place is buzzing when he's here, John said.

Among the Wimbledon veterans in the queue were a few newcomers. Alex Nairn, 22, had travelled from Edinburgh to see Murray on court. She had never been to SW1 before. It was a once in a lifetime experience, she said.

If she couldn't get tickets for Centre Court, she hoped to see the Scot on Henman Hill, where big screens will show the match. It will be fun, whichever way he plays, she said.

Nijla Mingo, 32, and Emeka Ezugwu, 37, are visiting London from New York. They joined the queue at 5am. “We thought we would be there early, but we were about 3,000,” Ezugwu said.

Ezugwu, who is British but lives in the US, said: Andy Murray is about my age in terms of generation. It's always great to see a British icon. Hopefully he's strong enough to get through the round and go as far as he can.




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