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Wimbledon 2024 LIVE: Tennis results as Andy Murray tears up at tribute after doubles defeat


Wimbledon: Emma Raducanu on why she 'couldn't say no' to playing mixed doubles with Andy Murray

Andy Murray was the headliner at Wimbledon today, losing to his brother Jamie in the men's doubles.

In the final on Centre Court, Murray began his Wimbledon swansong after undergoing surgery to remove a spinal cyst last month. He withdrew from the men's singles on Tuesday, preferring to focus on the doubles event, where he will also partner Emma Raducanu in the mixed event. The Murrays were defeated by Australian pair Rinky Hijikata and John Peers, with five other British players playing on the two main show courts.

British wildcard Jacob Fearnley gave Novak Djokovic a scare on Centre Court after forcing a fourth set but was beaten in a thriller by the seven-time champion. Harriet Dart stunned British No. 1 Katie Boulter in the third-set tiebreak before Jack Draper lost to former British No. 1 and Wimbledon semi-finalist Cameron Norrie in another all-British clash on Court No. 1.

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Andy Murray in tears at emotional Wimbledon farewell

Andy Murray received a hero's welcome as he began his final Wimbledon match with his brother Jamie, but the Centre Court crowd could not cheer them on to victory.

They played together for the first time in the men's doubles at the All England Club and hoped to write a memorable final chapter in an incredible story.

But the two-time former singles champion and seven-time Grand Slam doubles champion Jamie was defeated 7-6 (6) 6-4 by Australian duo Rinky Hijikata and John Peers.

In a video previously released by Wimbledon, Murray can be seen writing a postcard to himself as he takes to the court for the first time as a teenage boy with wild hair.

Number one: Get a haircut. Number two: Buy clothes that fit. And three: Try to enjoy it, it will go away soon, he wrote.

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 9:30 PM


Andy Murray thanks his wife Kim for her support during his career

Here's Murray greeting his wife Kim and telling the story of their first meetings:

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 9:21 PM


Wimbledon pays tribute to Andy Murray

Murray leaves to a standing ovation and waves to the crowd. He will return to the mixed doubles with Emma Raducanu on Saturday, in what could be his last match on this court.

Andy Murray watches as a video is played on Centre Court
Andy Murray watches as a video is played on Centre Court (Reuters)

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 9:15 PM


Wimbledon pays tribute to Andy Murray

Murray closed the evening with a tribute to his wife, before adding: I don't want to stop playing tennis, but I have to. It's hard.

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 9:11 PM


Wimbledon pays tribute to Andy Murray

The injuries were annoying, but we worked hard to be able to play on the pitch, probably not at the level we wanted, but we tried.

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 9:05 PM


Wimbledon pays tribute to Andy Murray

I would like to come back. I like watching tennis. I would probably feel a little more comfortable in the coaching box [than the Royal box].

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 9:02 PM


Wimbledon pays tribute to Andy Murray

Andy Murray on his 2013 Wimbledon glory: It wasn’t easy! It was quite stressful, to be honest. Playing at home is an advantage in any sport and I used that to my advantage. I probably didn’t enjoy it as much as I should have because it was so stressful!

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 9:00 PM


Wimbledon pays tribute to Andy Murray

A beautiful, moving tribute played out on the screens at either end of Centre Court, with Federer, Nadal and many of the great players Murray played against, with the highs and lows of his career, and it left Andy, Jamie and Judy Murray all in tears, and no doubt a few in the audience too. It was lovely to see.

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 8:55 PM


Wimbledon 2024: Andy and Jamie Murray defeated on Centre Court

Lo and behold, Wimbledon has thrown a surprise gathering of old friends on Centre Court! Novak Djokovic, Jack Draper and more are on court and Sue Barker is back with the mic!

(Getty Images)

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 8:48 PM


Wimbledon 2024: A Murray-J Murray 6-7(6), 4-6 Peers-Hijikata GAME, SET, MATCH!

Peers starts with a double fault but responds with a brilliant winner on the run on the next point. Andy Murray is unlucky to chase a ball that stays low after hitting the tramline and he can’t get it back, and then the Aussies rattle off two quick points to win the match.

Lawrence OstlereJuly 4, 2024 8:43 PM




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