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LSU Football signs four-star DL Zion Williams


Brian Kelly and the LSU football staff have signed four-star defensive end Zion Williams from Lufkin (Texas), he announced via social media on Thursday.

The coveted defensive tackle joins a stellar cycle in 2025 as Bo Davis has earned a commitment from one of the Lone Star State's top prospects.

Davis and his team of recruiters saw Williams as a threat to the offense, and the Tigers emerged victorious thanks to his services.

Both Davis and defensive coordinator Blake Baker have kept a close eye on Williams since joining Kelly's staff in Louisiana months ago.

Their recruitment efforts have now paid off as they have received a verbal commitment from the desired candidate.

The four-star Texas native is considered a gem by the LSU staff, with the program rolling out the red carpet during his official visit last month. Williams traveled to Baton Rouge in early June for a multi-day stay.

The Texas native had the TCU Horned Frogs firmly in the mix, but fresh off an official commitment to LSU, he set his commitment date forJuly 4thLSU felt like they were ahead of the curve on this one and that time was running out until a decision would be made and the program would ultimately win.

Williams chose LSU over TCU and Texas, among others, while the Bayou Bengals turned to the Lone Star State for another top-tier prospect.

Williams' commitment is the first in a series that LSU officials expect will continue through July.

On Friday, July 5, two Tigers defensemen will announce their college decisions, with LSU the top targets.

Who could be next?

A look at two newcomers who will announce their decisions within 24 hours:

Damien Shanklin: #1 EDGE in Indiana

The four-star EDGE team visited Death Valley in early June, where defensive line coaches Bo Davis and Kevin Peoples took a major step.

Indiana's No. 1 prospect, LSU, is leaving the recruiting region to the south, but they have quickly circled Shanklin as one of their top EDGE prospects for the 2025 cycle.

Now that the visit to Baton Rouge is over, LSU is in the running for the coveted Indiana native.

On3 Sports recruiting expert Steve Wiltfong predicted LSU would take Shanklin now that its recruiting process has been ramped up.

For LSU, they now have Shanklin on a much-needed official visit, while the four-star prospect will still visit other programs. The Tigers will have to fend off the likes of Ohio State, but appear to be the team to beat here.

Shanklin has set a commitment date forJuly 5.

The Flip Target: Brandon Brown

Four-star defenseman Brandon Brown, a player for the Texas Longhorns, came to Baton Rouge in June for an official visit, where he got a chance to experience the Death Valley atmosphere along with a number of key 2025 prospects.

That weekend, DJ Pickett (No. 1 CB), Kaliq Lockett (No. 2 WR) and Jaime Ffrench (No. 4 WR) were among those in town for official visits.

Brown had the opportunity to build relationships with top prospects on LSU's radar and hear what offers the LSU program had in store for him.

Now that an LSU official and other visits to top programs are behind us, the dust is beginning to settle.

The Bayou Bengals are starting to differentiate themselves from the rest and appear to be targeting their current SEC commitment.

We saw On3 Sports recruiting analyst Billy Embody make an expert prediction a few weeks ago that LSU would cut Brown from his commitment to Texas.

With the decision approaching, Shea Dixon of On3 Sports has another prediction.

LSU is reportedly planning to reconsider its current decision on Texas, with a source telling LSU Country that it could make an official decision within 24 hours.

The Tigers are making themselves heard, but other programs are also eager to have Brown.

This summer he visited LSU, Tennessee and Oklahoma, with the Sooners getting the final chance on the last weekend of June.

Brown was accompanied by his family during the June visit to Baton Rouge, when a source felt the Tigers were on the rise.

Now the Bayou Bengals' interests are growing.

It will be a battle for LSU to secure the coveted defenseman, but defense coach Bo Davis and co. gave it their all in this game.

LSU is now on track to cash in on the four-star defender, with expert predictions already coming in.

Other LSU news:

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LSU Football Recruiting Review: Tigers Make Multiple Commitments in June

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