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The Big West honors 79 CSUN student-athletes


NORTHRIDGE, California. A total of 79 CSUN student-athletes who participated in the spring sports of baseball, beach volleyball, men's and women's golf, softball, men's and women's tennis, men's and women's track and field, men's volleyball and women's water polo in The Big West were honored for their work in the classroom and during athletic competition as members of the 2024 Big West Spring Academic All-Conference Team on Wednesday.

The 771 student-athletes honored conference-wide is an improvement from last year's 751 and 739 two years ago.

To be eligible for the award, a student-athlete must maintain a 3.00 grade point average, complete a full academic year at the affiliated institution prior to the season for which the award is received, and participate in at least 50 percent of the institution's competitions in the student-athlete's sport.

from CSUN Abbey Sweet Factory (beach volleyball) was one of 17 Big West student-athletes to earn the distinction of having a perfect 4.00 cumulative GPA. She joined student-athletes from Cal Poly, Cal State Bakersfield, Hawai'i, Long Beach State, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara who also earned the honor.

In sports, women's track and field had by far the most honorees with 165 student-athletes named to the team. Baseball had 115, followed by softball (103), men's track and field (102), women's water polo (72), women's tennis (50), beach volleyball (48), men's volleyball (35), men's golf (29), women's golf (27), and men's tennis (25). In terms of school, CSUN had the third most honorees, behind only UC Davis and UC San Diego.

CSUNSpringBig West Academic All-Conference Team Honorees

Nathan Barraza
Hayden Cody
Neil Feist
Kevin Fitzer
Ben Griffin
Mason Le
Neighbors of Kamau
Kenji Pallares
Shunsuke Sakaino
Jacob Simons
Ryan Wentz

Beach Volleybal:
Lauren Eknoian
Gabriela Griego
Kinley Lindhardt
Tasha Mae
Abbey Sweet Factory

Men's Golf:
Felix Schroot
Eirik Thomassen

Women's Golf:
Elle Laur
Kim Turgut

Isabella Alonso
Mikayla Carman
Lauryn Carranco
Mia Cortez
Kaylee Escutia
Sydney Freijanes
Kylie Galindo
Kennedy Gustin
Alexa Landeros
Vinessa Nunez
Raegan Jackson
Shaylan Watman

Women's tennis:
Angela Ho
Emma Moratella Sanz
Victoria Santibanez Luna
Sasha Turchak
Cindy Ung

Julia Zhytelna

Men's athletics:
Joseph Alipranti
Tzu Ting Chan
Luke DaVanon
Jonrich Dela Cruz
Elia Ignacio
By Mark Jaque
Trey Knight
Guillermo Lopez
Balmore Mountains
Joey Nations
David Phillips, Jr.
Yes'Patrick Smith
Camilo Torres
Wyatt Wiggins, Jr.

Women's athletics:
Sonia Avila
Mariah Changco
Nicole Contreras
Katherine Shipp-Davis
Emily Hutchinson
Faith Mora
Alba Moreno Paredes
Kaliah Poston
Audrie Reuss
Rachel Simpson

Men's volleyball:
Lorenzo Bertozzi
Donovan Constable
Taylan Kok
Jano Tello
Griffin Walters

Women's water polo:
Nicole Bacoyanis
Kate Cornejo
Shelby Hovanesian
Meghan Lopez
Jessica Matkovich
Jenna Olson
Anna Pal
Helena Sandhagen
Tatum Scarry
Tatiana Smeltzer
Dorottya Telek
Nicole Thomas





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