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The oldest Wimbledon match in 53 years that lasted two days


WIMBLEDON As the lights dimmed on Court 2, the bells of nearby St Mary's Church began to chime. Neither player in the running needed further reminders of the time running out, however, as they are both firmly in the twilight of their careers.

Stan Wawrinka and Gael Monfils had to abandon their match at 9:20 PM on Wednesday night due to poor lighting. However, the match was history on Thursday night when Monfils won by three sets.

At ages 39 and 37, Wawrinka and Monfils played the oldest Wimbledon men's match in 53 years.

As individuals, they are the two oldest men in singles this year, their combined age of 77 years and 60 days bettered only in two previous meetings in the Open Era.

In 1969, Luis Ayala and Bob Howes were both over 80 years old in their first round match, while Howes was a combined 78 years old when he faced the great Rod Laver two years later.

Time may also have been on three-time major champion Wawrinkas' mind on the eve of his match with Monfils, when he seemed impatient to get out there. On Tuesday night, he called Wimbledon on Xand asked the tournament organizers to announce the order of matches for his match as soon as possible. It was a public exhortation from a veteran who probably has a right to complain a little.

This is his 17th year playing at the All England Club, but he still couldn’t hide his hopes of the biggest possible bill, even retweeting Boris Becker, who implored the tournament to schedule the match on No 1 Court. He must have wondered how many more chances he or Monfils would get to entertain the crowd on the biggest stage.

Unfortunately, no such luck. The fan favourites were seated on the next best thing, No 2 Court, where punters were treated to a high-quality encounter, entertaining rallies and glimpses of the level to which these two rose during their careers. Wawrinka unleashed a series of his trademark one-handed backhands down the line, while Monfils produced an acrobatic overhead to the net, as well as some of the impressive court marking that has always been integral to his game.

Frances Monfils and Wawrinka have known each other for a long time. They first played each other on tour almost 20 years ago, in 2004. Their head-to-head matches are tied at 3-3, but it has been two decades since they played on grass. They know each other well on the court and are good friends off it.

That was clear midway through their first-set tiebreak. The score was 4-3 in Wawrinkas’ favor, but the pair came to the net for a hug after a good-natured debate in French about whether the previous point should be replayed.

The match was close, but Monfils played the bigger points better and took a two-set lead. Wawrinka's unforced error count made the difference, but he cleaned up his act in the third set to keep things close.

At 4-4, he saved three break points to stay in the race, then complained about the light in the next game. Winner takes all, a spectator shouted, and Wawrinka turned to him with a smile, applauding the idea of ​​a sudden-death ending to a match in which he was far behind.

As the overcast sky turned from pink to dull grey, Monfils could not secure victory before the light won. With the Frenchman ahead 7-6, 7-6, 5-5, the pair left the court to a thunderous standing ovation and returned on Thursday to settle this battle of the old guard.

Monfils needed just 20 minutes to win the third-set tiebreak, advancing to the third round where he will face 10th-seeded Grigor Dimitrov, who at 33 is no veteran himself.




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