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Red Wings GM Steve Yzerman: 'Another move possible'


General manager Steve Yzerman convinced Patrick Kane to stay in Detroit, traded two veterans, brought in two goalies with NHL experience, signed a notable role player and brought in a player who scored 30-plus goals six times.

And maybe he's not done yet.

“I would say there is another move possible, we would consider it,” Yzerman said. “I don't have anything going on right now. We count the goals inside and the goals outside.”

If Yzerman does make another move, it could be a trade. He currently has just over $20 million left in cap space. He may need every penny to re-sign restricted free agents Moritz Seider, Lucas Raymond, Jonatan Berggren and Joe Veleno.

“We have four restricted free agents today and we can estimate for a short-term contract and a long-term contract,” Yzerman said. “Set aside a certain amount of money in the budget for them and as free agency went on and we tried to sign our own guys, we had to adjust a little bit, but it hasn't changed what we think those four players are going to deliver. We'll sign them, it's just a matter of when and what term we do with each one.

The Red Wings could use some more scoring power. Two players Yzerman traded — Jake Walman and Robby Fabbri — combined for 30 goals. Daniel Sprong is unsigned and scored 18. David Perron signed with Ottawa and also scored 17 goals. Shayne Gostisbehere, who scored 10 goals, will play for the Carolina Hurricanes next season.

Tarasenko and Patrick Kane could play together

So far, Tarasenko, with a potential of 25-30 goals, is the only new scorer brought in. The re-signing of Kane feels like a significant addition, as it seemed likely that he would leave. Kane was a 20-goal scorer despite starting late. He is capable of scoring 30 if he plays a full season

“Of course, we expect Tarasenko to add to that (goal total),” Yzerman said. “If we look internally, we expect a little bit more from Lucas Raymond. Alex DeBrincat, his career shooting percentage was a little bit lower last year. The great scoring chances he had, they hit the crossbar and went out. We think that's going to contribute a little bit more. I think his expected goals will turn into goals next year and his numbers will go up.”

The Red Wings expect Berggren to earn a spot on the roster and he has the potential to score 20 goals.

“At the back, Erik Gustafsson will contribute to a part of the attack that has been lost with Shayne Gostisbehere and Jake Walman goals,” Yzerman said. “Ultimately, hopefully we can keep a few more out of the net and maybe it can work out in a positive way.




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