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England's Anderson opens up on future after cricket, things not yet achieved in Test cricket


London [UK]: Ahead of his final Test match, veteran England pacer James Anderson spoke openly about his future and listed the things he had yet to achieve in his illustrious 22-year Test career.

England's Anderson opens up on future after cricket, things not yet achieved in Test cricket
England's Anderson opens up on future after cricket, things not yet achieved in Test cricket

Anderson, the 41-year-old ageless wonder who despite his age has garnered praise for his fitness and speed, announced on Instagram in May that the first Test match of the summer against the West Indies on July 10 would be his final international appearance.

Anderson spoke candidly about his future on the Tailenders Podcast on Thursday, saying he wants to become a television analyst and coach after he retires from football.

“I honestly don't know what's going to happen next. I enjoy talking about the game. I enjoy talking about bowling and getting into the technical side of it. I've done some commentary on TV and radio, so I'll maybe combine that with a bit of coaching,” he said.

Interestingly, England's general manager Rob Key recently confirmed that the timeless pacesetter will remain part of their organisation by taking on the role of mentor.

Key confirmed that this won't be the last time fans see Anderson, with him remaining with the squad as a mentor for the rest of the summer.

“Jimmy will continue in our set-up, and he will help as a bit more of a mentor. We are trying to set up an elite coach development programme, which Jimmy wants to do, but we will look at that at the end of the summer,” Key said, as quoted by ESPNcricinfo.

“It could be something he doesn't enjoy or something he loves. But he has so much to offer to English cricket so we don't want that to happen. But it will be a big event if he retires at Lord's,” he added.

Anderson also said that towards the end of his career, it's strange for him to have been able to free up time to do things like go to his daughter's school. He also said he was considering consulting a career counselor there about his future.

“It's a strange feeling when you've been doing something for 20 years and then suddenly you have to do something different. We recently went to a school for my oldest daughter. There was a career counselor there and I thought about asking him some questions,” the pacesetter said.

On the things he missed as a Test cricketer, Anderson said he would have loved to have had a hat-trick and century in the Test.

“Just to brag in the pub, I wish I'd got a Test hat-trick. Stuart Broad often talks about his two, and he'll always talk about me. I've never got a Test hundred either, and I came so close at Trent Bridge. I made 81 against India in 2014. I thought I'd get one, but I didn't,” he said.

Anderson said former England captain Nasser Hussain, under whom he made his international debut in 2002, had the biggest influence on him, as he gave him a lot of clarity as a player. He also liked his former captain's intensity and determination.

“Nasser was quite intense as a captain and a lot of people didn't like the way he went about things. But I, as a 20-year-old, needed that determination and instruction. He really told you what was expected of you. He was probably the biggest influence on me, just because of the stage of my career I was at when I played under him,” he said.

The experienced pacer dominates red-ball cricket with his mastery of swing and reverse swing.

He made his Test debut against Zimbabwe at Lord's and will bid farewell to the fans as a player at the same stadium.

His 6/17 against Pakistan in the first Test in 2010 at Trent Bridge still reflects the prowess of his remarkable career. He left Pakistan batters Salman Butt, Shoaib Malik, Azhar Ali and many more speechless.

In 187 Tests, Anderson has taken 700 wickets at an average of 26.52, with best bowling figures of 7/42. He has also taken 269 wickets in 194 ODIs for England and 18 wickets in 19 T20Is.

England's series against the West Indies begins on July 10 at Lord's and consists of three Tests between the Three Lions.

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