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Tom Brady loses friendly football match ahead of Michael Rubin's party


Tom Brady hasn't played his best in the Hamptons this year.

We heard the legendary former New England Patriots quarterback, 46, lost a friendly game of beach football ahead of Michael Rubin's annual 4th of July party on Thursday.

While Brady was the captain of one team, Houston Texans quarterback CJ Stroud was the captain of the other team.

Brady's team lost 5-4 to CJ's team, an insider tells Page Six exclusively about the retired Super Bowl champions' defeat.

Tom Brady came out of retirement for a friendly football game ahead of Michael Rubin's annual White Party. michaelrubin/Instagram
The NFL legend led one team, while CJ Stroud captained the other. michaelrubin/Instagram
We heard that Brady's team lost the fun beach competition. michaelrubin/Instagram

It was a small pre-white party BBQ and soccer game on the beach, the source adds. Players included Rubin, Travis Scott, Quavo, Odell Beckham Jr., Damar Hamlin, Micah Parsons and others.

The 51-year-old Fanatics founder shared a montage of the match on his Instagram Thursday, starting with a video of the two quarterbacks putting together their team.

“We have players from all levels here,” Brady joked in the segment.

Although the game was mainly for fun, it became increasingly competitive within the group as they worked up a sweat on the beach.

The competition took place prior to Rubin's 4th of July celebration. michaelrubin/Instagram
“Pre White Party mini camp, getting our reps in and working our bodies,” Rubin captioned a few clips from the friendly match. michaelrubin/Instagram

Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin, who survived a cardiac arrest mid-race in In January 2023, Stroud's team victory appeared to be secured after he intercepted a pass from Brady.

“Pre White Party mini camp, letting our reps and our bodies go,” Rubin captioned the video.

The CEO will welcome 350 of the biggest names in sports and entertainment to his Hamptons home on Thursday for his annual white party, widely considered the hottest event of the summer.

While Rubin kept the guest list a secret this year, past attendees have included the Kardashians, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Drake and many more.

Brady is on Rubin's exclusive guest list of 350 people for Thursday. Probe-Media for
He was seen arriving at Rubin's house to pick up his white outfit. Probe-Media for
Shortly after, he left to get ready for the party. Probe-Media for
The Fanatics CEO went all out with the invites this year, sending partygoers personalized Nike sneakers. Instagram/@willmakris

Page Six previously reported that Rubin was receiving “hundreds of calls a day” from people wanting to come.

We're told he even had “two separate offers of $1 million for an invitation, which he turned down.”

Several business magnates, billionaires, artists and athletes have been told there is no room for them because they are limited to 350 people, the insider told us last month.

Those lucky enough to snag a spot on the guest list were sent custom Travis Scott x George Condo sneakers, estimated to be worth $50,000.

The limited edition shoes were personalized with each guest's name on the insole. Instagram/@willmakris
Rubin collaborated with renowned artist George Condo on all of the invitations. tombrady/Instagram

The all-white Cactus Jack AJ 1 Lows were numbered, with each guest's name engraved on the insole.

The limited edition kicks arrived in white suitcases with a note that read: “Do not throw up on these! Not for resale… I know who you are.

Before the official invitations were sent out, Rubin, again working with Condo, sent each partygoer a personalized, framed illustration.




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